• Browsing Railroad.net on Mobile Devices

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by slashmaster
Thanks Otto, I was thinking maybe it was the ads that kept the site from loading at all. As you can probably tell I'm very new to surfing with a mobile phone, is it normal for them to be about as slow as dialup?
  by Otto Vondrak
slashmaster wrote:Thanks Otto, I was thinking maybe it was the ads that kept the site from loading at all. As you can probably tell I'm very new to surfing with a mobile phone, is it normal for them to be about as slow as dialup?
Technically, you are on dialup if you're on a phone. I mean, I'm sure its faster than your old 1200-bps modem, but you have to put up with the traffic of your cell network, etc. etc...

  by gprimr1
Another forum I am on uses Tapatalk.

It appears that the plugin for the forum is free, so maybe as Railroad.net transitions, the new management will consider implementing it, after all, it is free.

  by MEC407
It definitely depends on what kind of phone you're using. "Smartphones" such as iPhones, Blackberries, Android phones, etc., tend to have fairly sophisticated web browsers that can handle just about any web site. Other phones have web browsers that are a bit more basic. I'm currently experimenting with a prepaid phone from StraightTalk Wireless (a subsidiary of Tracfone). The phone, made by Samsung, looks just like a Blackberry, complete with full QWERTY keyboard, but the phone's features are extremely limited (even more limited than my 3-year-old Nokia). The web browser is quite archaic (reminds me of using Mosaic in the early '90s), and it's pretty much useless unless you go to sites that have special stripped-down mobile versions. And yes, it's just as slow as dialup.

The phone is well suited for making voice calls and sending text messages, but that's pretty much all it's good for. Even the camera on my 3-year-old Nokia is better than this thing!
  by hi55us
SteelRail wrote:I used to be able to access the forum on my BlackBerry Curve, but since the ads were added, it doesn't format correctly on the screen.
blackberry curve dosen't support flash so the website comes in funky, my droid incredible views it fine.
  by Printman2000
Anything new on this? I have personal experience using Tapatalk which is free for the forum and has apps for many phones.
  by JasW
phpBB Mobile came out in beta last year, and it apparently works well enough: http://phpbb-mobile.com

It'd be nice to see it here.
  by mxdata
Using the AT&T wireless chip on the road I have found that I cannot get past the home page of Railroad dot Net when using Internet Explorer 8. However if you use Mozilla Firefox everything seems to work properly.

There are some horrendous lags for the automatic ads to load and that frequently gives you a time out error.

  by Jeff Smith
Between I-Phones (primarily an AT&T issue) and Droids (both A and VZ) bandwidth could be an issue. I use a PALM PRE, and on ocassion I just have to reset my device. As we continue throught this transition of a new developer/owner, and try to fix some of the browsing issues that developed when Google Analytics were added, I do ask your indulgence and patience, and apologize for any inconvenience.
  by gprimr1
I have to say it again; I really would love to see Tapatalk support enabled for this forum.
  by Jeff Smith
I'll research it, and any tips are welcome.

Anyone out there want to write an app? I can't promise you'd be paid for it :-( .
  by Printman2000
There is really no need for an app. Using something like Tapatalk is way simple and also works on multiple mobile platforms. With your own an app, you would need a different version for each OS.

  by toolmaker
I was given a Samsung Galaxy Tab with Android 2.2.1. I am able to click on the links in my email and open the topic without a problem. I do have to double tap to read the content.