• US Army Locomotives-New Gen-Sets?

  • A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads
A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by hotbike

I have trouble believing it, I thought all the Army Railroad Divisions had been disbanded.
But this video shows a new Gen-set locomotive:


USAX 6510

I'd like to know more about these. Judging from the number board, it may be the eleventh unit of a recent order?

Does anyone have a roster of US Army Locomotives?
  by RailVet
There is, for now, one remaining Army railway battalion in the Reserve, with HQ in Milwaukee, WI, and subordinate units scattered in various locations; however, there are many Army installations operating with their own motive power, and these are invariably with civilian employees or contractors.

You'll find a roster of DOD locomotives at this URL:


While it's a bit out of date, it will be updated in the near future.

Also, during WW II the Army had "railway grand divisions" but they were not the equivalent of Army combat divisions. In later years these were redesignated as transportation groups (railway) before being inactivated entirely.
  by ashley2771
In addition to 4612 and 4642, Ft. Stewart also has a Gen Set, which seems to be kept in the container yard.