Discussion about Florida passenger rail operations including proposals. Official web-sites:
Miami/Dade Metrorail, Sunrail (Orlando), and Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
For Virgin Rail/Brightline: Virgin Trains Worldwide (includes Brightline)

Moderator: Kurt-Trirail

  by Kurt-Trirail
Members, welcome to the Tri-Rail forum, hosted by Railroad.net!

Before posting on the forum, please read the Railroad.net Forum Rules @ http://www.railroad.net/forums/viewtopi ... =74&t=1059, plus the following:

- This forum is for the discussion of Tri-Rail operations from 1989 to the present. Discussion relating to the CSX South Florida Rail Corridor that are relevant or partly relevant is also encouraged.

- This message board is not produced in association with, or is authorized by the Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority, and does not reflect the opinions thereof.

- Any members who wish to reference a current news article from another site are encouraged to summarize the article in their own words, and provide a link back to the original, rather then quoting the entire article directly.

- Before posting any photos not of your ownership on this forum, be sure you have the express permission to do so from the photo's author. It is not suggested to direct link photos to a website. If you must, link to the most relevant webpage within that site that links to the photo you wish to note.

- Posts may be edited for content and clarity at the moderator's discretion depending on content. Nevertheless, we try to do so only when necessary.

- Offensive, abusive and/or similar posts by anyone will be removed immediately. The moderators reserve the right to delete posts for any or no reason. Personal attacks/flaming is not tolerated, neither is chatspeak or trash talk. Please see our policies about "TRCX on FEC' discussions as well: http://www.railroad.net/forums/viewtopi ... 74&t=48296

- Any questions or comments about the operation of this forum can be addressed via the board's private messaging system. If it is local to this forum, contact me; if also relating to the other forums, please contact the Railroad.net admins.

- Polls have been disabled, due to the fact that they serve no constructive purpose in the specific environment of this forum.

Welcome aboard, and enjoy the site!
- Kurt K., Tri-Rail Forum Moderator