• Starting the process on UP

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by JohnBull
Just like to say I am glad I found this website. It has lots of good information. I am going to take the reading test this Tuesday so wish me luck. I applied for train service in Rawlins WY, Phippsburg CO, and Rochelle IL. If any of you work there or have some info, please post. I am not sure if they will give me the option to pick. On the application status on the web, it says invited to reading test next to Rochelle. The others still say currently being reviewed. I live in Rockford IL, so Rochelle is the closest to me. I would though prefer to move out west. Does anyone think I will be given that option?


  by rwallace2fan1
No, you will be testing for the location it says. Good luck on the test, it's pretty easy.

  by JohnBull
Anyway I can tell them I prefer to go out west, like when I interview, or am I going to be stuck in Illinois?

  by rwallace2fan1
If you want to get hired out west, I would wait for those to open. I would not mention that at the interview, because, they will not want to hire you, and spend their budget, on someone who wants to go elsewhere. If you do hire in IL, you probably wont get a chance to transfer out, unless they offer permanant transfers, and you are on the verge of being cut off.

  by Otto Vondrak
[moved to the Employment Forum - omv]

  by qboy
Just like the someone else posted if you want to be out west then go get hired out west. Because I can tell you right now you won't be transfering. Wait for an opening in the area you want work from.

  by UPRR engineer
I dont work in Rawlins but it is part of the Zone 200, Green River to Cheyenne trainmen seniority district. You can work out of any of these locations if you can hold it. I dont know how it is in Cheyenne but they will make room for most guys to come over to GR if they want to work.

In Rawlins they work alot and most of your "time off" will be spent here in GR waiting to get back home. Rawlins aint that great of a place to live, the cost of living is low to moderate, but theres not alot there as far as stores and business go. Alot of those guys are forced to go to Denver as far as buying a new vehicle, furniture, electronics, home improvement, X-Mas shopping... (I do alot of shopping in Salt Lake, but most everything i need is in Rock Springs) Rawlins is a RR, prison and oil field town. For the past 5 or 6 years or so there hasn't been anyone cut off during the winter and they are having a hard time getting and keeping help due to the oil field boom.

  by JohnBull
I am taking the reading test tomorrow. I am not sure if you guys are saying that I should skip the test and wait to be invited to take a reading test out west to start the process there? At this point I don't want to mess up my chances to get into the UP, so I am going to take the test. I hope after this test I can still get the chance to start the process out west. Thanks for the advice.

  by rwallace2fan1
JohnBull wrote:I am taking the reading test tomorrow. I am not sure if you guys are saying that I should skip the test and wait to be invited to take a reading test out west to start the process there? At this point I don't want to mess up my chances to get into the UP, so I am going to take the test. I hope after this test I can still get the chance to start the process out west. Thanks for the advice.
You can do that, as long as the interview process does not take place tomorrow. From what I understand, after you interview with UP, you can not apply for the same craft for 6 months. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  by slchub
6 months is correct. Once you apply and are hired for a particular service unit, you are stuck in that service unit. Yes the company does allow same-craft transfers, but the unions have to get involved, and you have to do a seniority swap with another guy in the service unit you would like to transfer to. Your seniority must be closely aligned as well. CMS (crew Mgt) is very strict about this and I had a heck of a time trying to even speak to anyone in Omaha about the process. I finally left the UP as I was "stuck" in the Salt Lake City service unit with little chance of transferring. I came to Amtrak as they have nationwide seniority.

Best bet is to apply online and hire out in the service unit in which you would like to work. Funny, I am in Rock Springs as I type and I am pretty much able to walk from the west end to the east end. UPRR is correct. Small town living.

  by JohnBull
Got an A today on the reading test. Thanks for all the good information. I will hope to get a chance to interview out west before Illinois. We will see I guess.

  by slchub
Here are a few e-mails with division chairman as well as local chairmen in regards to trying to get a swap going on the UP. It does not look very good. Make SURE you hire out on the service unit you like. If not, you will be stuck unless UP changes it's policy. And with so many guys cut back on the UP, they do not have the need for manpower as they will call someone off the bump board if needed.

If you are talking about a seniority swap, you will need to find someone who is willing to swap and get approval from both Divisions involved before anything can be done regarding approaching the Carrier about a transfer agreement. I know that we have had problems in the past with Brother XXXXXX’s territory because his agreement requires to go to the bottom of the roster. That queered a deal we were working on to get an XXXXXXX from Ft. Worth to El Paso on a seniority swap. I would suggest checking with your GC to be sure what agreements are in place on your property so that you can properly advise everyone who might be interested in possibly swapping.

Hoping you find this information helpful, I remain.



Please be aware that seniority swaps are extremely difficult to accomplish. I have been GC for 6 years and only accomplished one swap. That was done by a specific agreement addressing the trainmen involved. It had to be ratified by both Divisions as well as all departments of UP (Service Unit, CMS, Labor Relations, etc). Any single entity in that process has veto power over the entire transaction (ie: if the respective superintendents don’t agree to the swap, it will not be done or if either Division does not agree it will not be done).

I am not trying to dash your hopes, just give you a realistic picture of what you are up against. Also UP has been extremely reluctant to transfer from one location to the other. I have had several requests but only accomplished one of those as well.

Good luck, you have some good men on your side with Brothers XXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX. They are both exceptional union men in my book but be aware you are climbing a steep hill.



  by cifn2
You will hire for the service unit, if you are hired first in Rochelle, then you can be placed anywhere in that service unit... My guess being that is the Chicago Service unit so you could end up working Chicago or any other terminal in that area.

  by cifn2
JohnBull wrote:Anyway I can tell them I prefer to go out west, like when I interview, or am I going to be stuck in Illinois?
UP isn't allowing borrow outs, they have too many extras to allow anyone to move out of the service units.

  by rwallace2fan1
UP isn't allowing borrow outs, they have too many extras to allow anyone to move out of the service units.[/quote]

We have about 30 borrowed out of the KC terminal. Mostly MN and IA.