by MEC407
From R&D Mag:
R&D Mag wrote:Akinyemi and his global team of 20 researchers in New York, Munich and Bangalore had an idea. They developed new combustion system designs, studied them inside a single cylinder test engine and took detailed measurements of exhaust levels, temperature and other data. Then they fed the information to sophisticated computer models and simulations and extrapolated the results from a to a full scale engine. It was critical that we knew that our solution met the target before we went to the real engine, Akinyemi says. With the single cylinder experiments we were able to isolate the combustion process. When we built the full-scale engine, the results were very close.Read more at: ... -models-h/
GE estimates that the new locomotive, which is packed with a new turbocharger, fuel injection, exhaust system, and other advanced technologies, will save its rail customers billions without giving up any of the performance of the 5,000 ecomagination-qualified Evolution Series locomotives, which now pull freight around the world.
Pan Am Railways — Boston & Maine/Maine Central — Delaware & Hudson
Central Maine & Quebec/Montreal, Maine & Atlantic/Bangor & Aroostook
Providence & Worcester — New England — GE Locomotives
Pan Am Railways — Boston & Maine/Maine Central — Delaware & Hudson
Central Maine & Quebec/Montreal, Maine & Atlantic/Bangor & Aroostook
Providence & Worcester — New England — GE Locomotives