by jaymac
If you're at all undecided about whether to get the newly-available The Railroad Was Our Life! by Mike Enos and contributions from -- among others -- this forum's own bmcdr, get it.
If you think the price is more than you want to spend, calculate the number of hours you'd spend and cups of coffee you'd buy to get the stories and see the photos, not to mention the differences between schedule 24-RL and 26-L brakes that mere mortal civilians might never otherwise get to know.
Apologies to the management if this violates any policies, but the book is that good!
EDIT: I should have mentioned it in the original posting, but I got the book through B&MRRHS.
If you think the price is more than you want to spend, calculate the number of hours you'd spend and cups of coffee you'd buy to get the stories and see the photos, not to mention the differences between schedule 24-RL and 26-L brakes that mere mortal civilians might never otherwise get to know.
Apologies to the management if this violates any policies, but the book is that good!
EDIT: I should have mentioned it in the original posting, but I got the book through B&MRRHS.
"A gray crossover is definitely not company transportation."