by Arborwayfan
In the interests of some lighthearted fun, some questions:
Novice level:
My friends and I grew up asking "Why didn't Charlie's wife just hand him a nickel?" Answers to this question are welcome.
Advanced level
Why didn't Charlie's wife just walk over to a surface stop near Lechemere Sq so she didn't have to pay her own fare?
Expert level:
Wait. They weren't charging exit fares in the subway, were they? Charlie could just have gotten off at Park and gone home to Kendall. Discuss.
Special for equipment fans:
Was Charlie on a PCC? Type 5? Other? Why do you think so?
Novice level:
My friends and I grew up asking "Why didn't Charlie's wife just hand him a nickel?" Answers to this question are welcome.
Advanced level
Why didn't Charlie's wife just walk over to a surface stop near Lechemere Sq so she didn't have to pay her own fare?
Expert level:
Wait. They weren't charging exit fares in the subway, were they? Charlie could just have gotten off at Park and gone home to Kendall. Discuss.
Special for equipment fans:
Was Charlie on a PCC? Type 5? Other? Why do you think so?