• St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad (SLR/SLQ)

  • For discussion of the various Class II and III Lines of the Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Railroad Holding Co. short-lines which do not have their own forums as noted:

    Their website is here: GWRR.com
    A list of their holdings is here: Wikipedia List
For discussion of the various Class II and III Lines of the Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Railroad Holding Co. short-lines which do not have their own forums as noted:

Their website is here: GWRR.com
A list of their holdings is here: Wikipedia List
  by sterling521
glad to see they are starting to do some investigation in this case. not the rail roads fault, just sad when there are more questions then there are answers.
  by NealG
It's very sad indeed. I happened to have met the young man who was killed on a couple of occasions, as we had a couple of mutual friends and acquaintances (he used to live in Waltham). Needless to say, the friends are pretty upset by this. He seemed like a nice enough kid.
  by Mikejf
This story keeps getting weirder. The most recent update in a local paper is the young man was covered in blood laying across the front seat. Nothing that could have happened in that crash. Sounds like the investigation is warranted.
  by bigfreight
It almost sounds like he was placed there by someone else.
  by bigfreight
Up in Groveton on Saturday 25 cars on the SLA siding and at Hazens 3 more on the siding at the papermill. All were tanks cars and covered hoppers. I would assume that the NHCR will be bringing them south at some point.
  by RailNutNE
Anyone have any future, speculation I know, ideas on where the SLR is headed? I'm not 100% sure how business is, but curious to everyone's thoughts.
  by bigfreight
Police make an arrest in Accident involving train and car. FromChannel 6 News
BETHEL (NEWS CENTER) -- Wednesday, Maine State Police arrested 23-year-old Agostino Samson of Bethel and Windham. He has been charged with murder in connection with the death of 25-year-old Scott Libby of Raymond.

The medical examiners office determined the cause of death to be multiple traumatic injuries of the neck and head. They determined the manner of death was homicide.

Samson is expected to be in Oxford County Superior Court on Thursday.

Police say Scott Libby's car was on these rail road tracks with the lights turned off when a St. Lawrence and Atlantic Freight train hit it from behind. The accident took place shortly before three o'clock in the morning last Friday.

The manager of a hostel in West Bethel told NEWS CENTER that a guest admitted he punched the 25 year old man shortly before his car was hit by the train.

Wyling Cambrium, who would not go on camera, says the guest had worked for Libby who was a landscaper, over the summer. The manager says Libby had visited him at the hostel to settle a debt. He says state police searched the hostel and questioned the guest.


channel 6 news
  by wolfmom69
While still a horrible incident, the train crew may be relieved somewhat, and the idea of "suicide by train" has thank the lord been discounted.

Bud :(
  by bigfreight
Took a ride up thru Groveton and N Stratford today . The sidings in Groveton are jammed packed with empty tank and covered hoppers. Must be 75 cars or so waiting for the NHCR. Up in N Stratford There is a boxcar and flatcar bearing SLR logos sitting about 1/4 mile apart on the siding.Are these cars MOW cars? Are they getting ready to do work to the tracks up there?
  by eman577
Is the box car bright orange? If so, it probably is MOW. If not,
these cars may headed to, or back from, NHCR' s shop for repairs.
Or may be awaiting SLR car department to repair or inspect them.
  by bigfreight
It was a dark blue boxcar. The flat car looked like a old TOFC flat car with brackets built on it to hold long lengths of rail. I know the town of N Stratford received federal money $392,000 for the rail tracks. I wonder if they are getting ready to do some work up there.
  by bigfreight
Took a ride thru Groveton Wednesday and saw a Sterling Hi rail truck with a boom type crane heading west on the line. In downtown Groveton there is large pile of rail and some ties at crossing' Are they doing trackwork thru there? The Sperry rail truck has been up in the area. Last week it was brokedown in Lancaster having work done to it for 2 days. Saw it again Thurday afternoon headed south on US 3 thru town. Anybody know what they are up to?
  by gokeefe
Does anyone have an update on the progress of the work at Danville Junction?
  by CN9634
I haven't been there in a few days but I believe the station road is shut down and tracks are soon to be installed across the road. Not sure about the Diamond yet.
  by Hoghead
Hello Guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with the lastest scheudles for the SLR. I will be in the Berlin area Wedsenday,Thursday, and Friday and was wondering what I might see and when ! Thanks in Advance !
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