by ACeInTheHole
mtuandrew wrote:LMFAO! Thats GREAT! Nice one Andrew.lirr42 wrote:Fixed your post, lirr42dt_rt40 wrote:"Wednesday I get my chance to go into class for this new motor etc. Quite excited."I hear Amtrak is flying making all of their engineers hitchhike to Europe Delaware for an all a no expenses-paid week of playing with/operating the Vectron a bootlegged copy of MS Train Simulator on a 1999 Gateway desktop as their training. Nothing but the most exquisite cuisine microwave burritos and finest hotels rusted-out baggage cars included.
Oh come on, you weren't concerned the thread got off topic, you're just trying to make us jealous!
"go into class" - does this imply a classroom type setting w/video instruction - which presumbly Siemens and Amtrak have already prepared - or does class mean you actually go work with the motor itself. Did the order with Siemens include some kind of simulator? If you think about it, since the operator's cab is probably 100% "fly by wire", it's probably relatively trivial to rewrite the software (assuming they've already done such a thing in the Europe market, and surely they have) to control a virtual locomotive instead of a real one.