• Silver Line Thread/Tracker

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by Ron Newman
Better yet, why not remove the traffic light? D street is not especially busy, and Silver Line buses can easily cross half of it at a time and wait to cross the other half if needed.

  by F-line to Dudley via Park
Diverging Route wrote:Finally, and most importantly, why has traffic light premption not been installed at Silver Line Way just beyond the portal? That can cost one to two minutes each way, a big percentage of a 15-20 minute trip. I did a "write to the top" to the SL chief about this, and received no reply.
Signal priority is actually a condition of meeting the CLF requirements for the Silver Line...and the T has been barked at about the SL Way light by parties with much bigger teeth to actually enforce something but still to no avail.

Since this is maybe THE most widespread traffic management issue on all the T's surface modes I'm scratching my head as to why it's so damn hard to even attempt it anywhere, much less fulfill their mandate to install it on all GL and SL branches and a double-digit list of the highest-priority bus routes. Must be awfully empowering to go through life feeling full invincibility to all lawsuits and legal documents you signed under oath, eh?
No one has spoken a word in this thread of 8 years. I might try to revive it again.
  by jbvb
I've been curious about service on the Chelsea extension, wondering how it would work between Eastern Route trains and Logan. Looks like there's enough private RoW to match driving time, anyway.
Service to Chelsea has produced 8000+ riders on that route as of 2023. The only problem with the route is the drawbridge of Chelsea Street going up periodically. The route is gonna be extended to Sullivan Square Station and will have the Alford Street drawbridge which only goes up during rush hours.
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