• Seattle, Safeco field! 6/15/05 8:30 PM Pacific

  • Discussion related to railroads/trains that show up in TV shows, commercials, movies, literature (books, poems and more), songs, the Internet, and more... Also includes discussion of well-known figures in the railroad industry or the rail enthusiast hobby.
Discussion related to railroads/trains that show up in TV shows, commercials, movies, literature (books, poems and more), songs, the Internet, and more... Also includes discussion of well-known figures in the railroad industry or the rail enthusiast hobby.

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by LAUNCHman
The Phillies have never before played at the Seattle Mariners up until this week. Watching the games on Comcast TV, I saw an Amtrak train go right through the stadium concourse! And this was only after hearing its horn blast right in the middle of a ground ball to third. The Mariners third baseman was not even phased by the noise and rumbling.

I suppose that's a home field advantage in more ways than one.

Larry Andersen, the Philadelphia commentator made mutliple references to the Amtrak car and they did two close up angles of the train! He joked that the train came close enough to the fans that it could come by on it and reach out and clear off the dinner tables. Larry Andersen's Amtrak humor.

*Scrambles to amtrak.com to see if said train was on time to Seattle* :)

  by efin98
It's the equivellant of the jets flying ovef Shea Stadium but I am sure you are well away of that being intra-division rivals :wink:

It's probably the closest stadium to train tracks that there is, Fenway Park is close(behind the buildings on the other side of the left field wall) but Safeco Field takes the cake!

And man, can those horns get loud! I guess the crews try to help out the M's whenever they come by :-D

  by Porter Sq
Whenever I watch the Sox playing the Mariners I always here the trains go by. Sometimes you can hear up to 5-6 trains go threw by the time the game is over. I think King St Station is only a few blocks from the stadium going north.

  by Lirr168
I was watching the Mets and Mariners this afternoon and heard the train going through; the horn drowned the commentators right out (but that's not necessarily a bad thing :-D )

Btw, anyone know what kind of locomotive it was that was running through? They didn't show it on camera today and I'm not familiar with Amtrak operations out west.

  by CNJGeep
In August 2004, I saw a high-nose unit (GP9?) in the BN green and white switching the yard near there. And the next day I saw a switcher in the same scheme.

  by SteelWheels21
--Btw, anyone know what kind of locomotive it was that was running through? They didn't show it on camera today and I'm not familiar with Amtrak operations out west.--

One of three possibilities. On the Cascade corridor services, which are push-pull, you either have one of those nice FP59s (like the Amtrak California Units) on the head end, or a de-engined FP40H on the tail end, used as a control car. If it was the Coast Starlight, (Train 11 or 14) it was one or more of those ugly Genesis locomotives.

  by trainfreak
Well yeah this one is for NASCAR but i believe at the Martinsville Speedway there is a NS line that goes right past one of the sides of the track. Last time i watched a race i remember seeing a train there.
  by p51
LAUNCHman wrote:The Phillies have never before played at the Seattle Mariners up until this week. Watching the games on Comcast TV, I saw an Amtrak train go right through the stadium concourse!
Well, that's not really true. It runs just outside the stadium. Keep in mind that the Seahawks play right next door to Safeco Field and they have to deal with the trains as well. The fields both sit on the site of the yard that used to be right outside the station there. I live south of there and have been to several games in "The Safe"...
  by osotegreat
I know this is bumping the thread a lot, but all trains leaving south from Seattle's train station (Name escapes me, and I grew up there) go under the retractable roof when the roof is open (when it is sunny out).