• Rotem Cars Discussion (new bi-level cars)

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by mbrproductions
I mean yeah, and now they are doing it on the Fairmount Line, so it wasn't for nothing. The new bilevels are for the rest of the system.
  by diburning
That presentation seems to be either mildly disingenuous or whoever made it didn't entirely understand the whole picture. For example, on the section about leasing electric locomotives for the first phase of running the Providence line under wire, why would "electric locomotives be freed up on Amtrak with the entry of the Avelia Liberty into service"? Amtrak isn't going to run more Acelas and less NE Regional trains. There will be no net loss of NE Regional trains that would free up electrics for lease. And it's not like the MBTA can lease the old Acela power cars to pull commuter trains.
Last edited by CRail on Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Stop quoting the entire previous post. It clogs up screen space and is against the rules.
  by RandallW
The Airo trainsets will free up ACS-64s not needed for LD service. Amtrak's 2021-2026 Five Year Plan did state that increased Acela service and new NEC trainsets would displace ACS-64s, so a 2022 briefing could have cited that information.
Last edited by CRail on Mon Nov 25, 2024 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Unnecessary nesting quotes removed. Do not use the quote button as a reply button.
  by TurningOfTheWheel
By the time the T is ready for a large-ish order of EMUs (battery or otherwise), the K-cars will be up for retirement. With this order, the T is getting a standardized coach fleet at a pretty decent price. Even as an advocate for electrification I have a hard time getting upset about this.
  by mbrproductions
Assuming such an order will ever even exist, for all we know, the K-Cars could just end up getting replaced by other push-pull equipment, just as how the single levels are right now.
  by BandA
Did the T exhaust all their Rotem options? Last time I looked they had left cars on the table because they didn't have the budget.
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