• Rotem Cars Discussion (new bi-level cars)

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by Commuterrail1050
Don’t forget, more blinds will be coming starting at some point in 2026.
  by Diverging Route
There are at least two sets running on the north side with THREE bi-levels. They're both configured with a 17xx cab car, a 9xx just behind, two flats, then another 9xx adjacent to the engine. They were both at BON yesterday morning.
  by OldColonyRailfan
MBTAVideoClips wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:55 am Only two blinds left after this! Will they deliver them like 885/886/1866/1867 and then 1868/1869/1870 in 1 group?
Honestly they should just cut the last 3 cab cars because we don't need them. We are already at a surplus for cabs
  by MBTAVideoClips
Just use them as blinds when needed. Then when a bunch of cabs are needed, take them off the middle of sets and put them where they are needed.
  by Commuterrail1050
Just noticed that 1861 is in service and just started today. Unsure if 1860 is too or if it’d just that.
  by Commuterrail1050
I can now confirm that 1860 also started yesterday I believe.
  by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
4 of the latest R cars arrived in Framingham this morning off of the final leg of CSX M436

  by jwhite07
The missing two numbers in the post above are 886 and 885, which completes the delivery of all 40 blind coaches in this order. As MBTAVideoClips says, three more control cars are due to complete the entire order.

Still a couple years off before we start to see deliveries of the recently awarded option order for 41 more cars.
  by chrisf
I don’t know that there is an additional option beyond the additional 41 coaches they added on a couple months ago.
  by The EGE
There were two options on the contract. The MBTA exercised the option for 41 trailers in May, and formally signed it a few days ago.

There is an additional option available for 39 cars (19 trailers and 20 cab cars) that expires in December. If exercised, it would replace the last single-level cars. See page 8 here:

https://cdn.mbta.com/sites/default/file ... _FINAL.pdf
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