• Rockland Branch Discussion

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

  by NHV 669
They picked up two steel loads yesterday, dropped them at ASA, and continued east light engine.
  by NHV 669
Sounds like they swapped out loads and empties last Thursday at ASA.

2308 was west with two scrap loads at 10:04 through Finntown Road in Warren this morning.
  by CN9634
I'm not trying to be that guy but I do have to admit I'm curious when FGLK will pull up the camp stakes and call it a life on this outfit. I'm thinking ASA can be served occasionally via CSX potentially even Dicaperl if they can take cars in bunches of 5 or so at a time. This assumes that Amtrak takes over the operations of the line to Rockland and it doesnt turn into a trail (which to be honest seems to be in the cards if Dragon is done done).
  by Goddraug
There's enough interest in passenger rail to Rockland that they got federal funds to explore it, so I doubt it'll be a trail (though Maine's fascination with rail trails recently provides concern). It's freight that would be at risk, though the line being state-owned and the progress for passenger rail might mean that operating all the way to DiCaperl wouldn't be as much of a money-losing venture.
  by NHV 669
2308 west with one loaded scrap hopper through Finntown Road in Warren at 08:37. Dunno if that's the last one.
  by JBlaisdell
There may be "interest" in passenger service, but there isn't any demand for anything other than summer service. Forget commuters, unless there are SERIOUS upgrades to the track. Right now it takes 2 hrs by train vs 1.25 by car from Rockland to Brunswick.
  by Goddraug
I'm not saying I know the specifics about demand or anticipated ridership. All I do know is that they received federal funds to "explore extending train service to Rockland" (not entirely certain what "explore" means, but Patricia Quinn of NNEPRA claimed she hopes to see a pilot program by summer 2024, so maybe that's their exploration?)
  by markhb
When Maine Eastern had the operating contract for the Rockland Branch, they did hit one particular use case for rail travel: bringing people to the Lobster Festival. Of course, they were using the same non-accessible heritage equipment they used for their excursion runs, but I would imagine that it was a useful connection for those who were able to make use of it.
I'd be very interested in knowing how well their excursion service did in the last year or so they had it, when they added Nobleboro (servicing Boothbay) as a stop and started adding short runs in the middle of the day.
  by NHV 669
3 loaded scrap hoppers west through Thomaston at 11:30.
  by JBlaisdell
Something went thru on Monday, the tracks were cleared of snow in Bath in the afternoon.
  by CPF66
I can't remember if it has been stated here yet, but the RDC car was sold off by AEAX and will be leaving the property in the near future.
  by GP40MC1118
Sold off or being returned back to All-Earth?
  by CPF66
All earth sold the entire fleet to the Gaspesie Railway Society in Quebec. Not sure what the eventual plan is, but if I were to guess they will be replacing the European built DMU cars which have been used in commuter service on the land locked section of the line. The intent is to reopen the section those run on in the next year. Either that or they will be used to run passenger service to Gaspe when the rehab of the line is completed in 2027. VIA was supposed to do it, but have failed to make any actual commitments towards restarting passenger service.
Last edited by MEC407 on Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: unnecessary quoting
  by NHV 669
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/d3 ... b24575d09d

As part of MaineDot's new Three-Year work plan, funds have been alotted for the rehab of the bridge over the New Meadows River in West Bath. I would have thought the lift span needed some attention?
  by artman
Company wants to begin service this May.
Another company has proposed an excursion train from Brunswick to Rockland that would include a fine-dining car, marking the latest attempt to revive passenger service on the 57-mile Rockland Branch.

Delaware-based AmeriStarRail wants to launch its service, MidCoast Maine Central, in May. It would include six daily, roundtrip train runs with stops in Bath, Wiscasset and Newcastle. A locomotive would carry several cars consisting of coach, first-class and fine-dining sections, with a capacity of 200–300 passengers.
https://www.pressherald.com/2024/01/21/ ... ining-car/

Interesting, multi-modal proposal, with maps. Six daily roundtrips plus separate motorcoach service from Boston to Bar Harbor, with connections to said train. Take train from BON - Rockland, then hop on coach to Bar Harbor (or take ferries to islands), and take coach back to Boston. Great round-trip excursion!
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