by lensovet
Not enough trains that are operational and aren't breaking down all the time. Less frequent service requires less functional trains.
It works, they have cancelled no trains on some days and only one train on others, compared to 15-20 cancellations daily over the previous few weeks. However, the bus schedule is inconsistent (buses will sometimes leave ahead of schedule so you show up on time and you've missed it). Also, my train this morning had to reboot its engine twice, resulting in an arrival of 10 minutes behind schedule causing me to miss my Regional and take an NJT express instead.
It works, they have cancelled no trains on some days and only one train on others, compared to 15-20 cancellations daily over the previous few weeks. However, the bus schedule is inconsistent (buses will sometimes leave ahead of schedule so you show up on time and you've missed it). Also, my train this morning had to reboot its engine twice, resulting in an arrival of 10 minutes behind schedule causing me to miss my Regional and take an NJT express instead.
Paul Borokhov
Last RRPicArch addition – NJ Railfan.
Moderator of the NJT and California commuter forums
Last RRPicArch addition – NJ Railfan.
Moderator of the NJT and California commuter forums