Arborwayfan wrote:BandA, that would make sense if the reason for the extension was to get people from Bowdoin or Government Center to Charles, but that is not the reason. The reason is to get people from Maverick to Central Square, etc.,with only one change, so that it is a little quicker and a little easier to commute from East Boston and points northeast to Cambridge and points northwest. (Also, I guess, to get them from Revere Beach to Mass General with no change at all.) The time savings on that would be pretty significant. Assuming that walking from the Blue Line to the Red Line at Charles would take the same amount of time as walking from the Green Line to the Red Line at Park, and that riding from GC to Charles on the Blue Line would take the same amount of time as riding from Park to Charles on the Red Line, every passenger passenger would save the whole time needed to get off at GC, walk up to the Green Line Platform, wait for a train, and ride to Park St. That must be five or six minutes even at rush hour headways. Five or six minutes a passenger, I imagine. Could be 10-20% of many people's commute.
The hope would be to have fewer people changing trains at Govt Ctr and and Park and crowding up the trains between those two stations, because they would make just one transfer at Charles instead, and to attract substantial numbers of new passengers because the trip would be quicker.
According to Trip Planner, the best trip Maverick to Central takes 16 minutes, including a 0.2 Mile walk (6 min) from State Street to Park. Mr Google gives a more realistic 28 min by subway, including 7 minute walk State to Downtown Crossing, or 24 min to drive 6.2 Miles! Or a very dangerous 6.4 Mile, 40 min bicycle trip via Everett.
Trip planner says avoiding the 0.2Mi walk adds about 4 minutes. Mr google says 28 minutes regardless of walking the transfer, using orange line or using the green line.
How much time saving is worth $750M in 2013 dollars? Say the carrying cost for this project is $40M in perpetuity... for 12,000 additional daily boardings, or 4,380,000 additional annual boardings. So, actually this might make financial sense if they can build it for something close to the 2013 budget.
But walking a short distance is also a good choice.