• Posting in two forums

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by trainsinmaine
Am I allowed to post the same question in two forums that somewhat overlap in content, if I am likely to get a more prompt response in one than in the other?
  by Otto Vondrak
trainsinmaine wrote:Am I allowed to post the same question in two forums that somewhat overlap in content, if I am likely to get a more prompt response in one than in the other?
It is discouraged. Why don't you ask the moderator to move your topic to the other relevant forum, that way ONE thread exists in TWO (or more) forums, and we won't have duplication?
  by Jeff Smith
Parallel topics are problematic for those who are using the search function, or google, to find an answer. What is the question you want to ask? We can point you to the correct forum, or, as Otto suggests, post in one forum, and then PM the moderator requesting it be moved to the second forum.
  by Patrick Boylan
Maybe trainsinmaine's confused, as I am. Wouldn't moving a thread take it out of one forum and put it into another?
I remember having an issue years ago when I asked our IT department to move an application from test to production, they dutifully removed it from the test environment and put the only copy into the production environment. I learned my lesson there, always ask them to copy from test to production, so that we could continue to test and use what had been debugged in production. But a little knowledge is sometimes dangerous, so when somebody says 'move' I now always think remove from one place and put it somewhere else.

Or do you mean that moderators can link a thread into more than 1 forum?
  by MEC407
When we move a topic from one forum to another, we are given the option to leave a "shadow topic" behind in the original location of the topic, which is basically just a link to the topic's new location, rather than a duplicate topic.