• RAILROAD.NET on Google

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by philipmartin
How come posts here may wind up on Google? For example, google Manunka Chunk Tunnels, and work you way to the item marked RAILROAD.NET.
  by Taborite
philipmartin wrote:How come posts here may wind up on Google? For example, google Manunka Chunk Tunnels, and work you way to the item marked RAILROAD.NET.
Because it's a public forum and it's on the internet...?

While it is possible to tell the google bot not to crawl a site at the server level, making parts of your site more difficult to find is seldom desirable.
  by Uzi-Cat
If it is problem, don't post here anymore.
  by philipmartin
Because it's a public forum and it's on the internet...?
Thanks. I was wondering how Google got their information. I thought Google's standards for accuracy precluded the kind of stuff I put on here.
  by umtrr-author
Well, as a data point, if you search "Turtle Brook Road Port Reading," your first match is the post I made here titled "Rounding the Curve at Port Reading"!

And Google had captured that post something less than 12 hours after I had made it.
  by sixty-six
And this is in the NJT forum why? Probably better asked in one of the main RR.net forums.
  by philipmartin
I'm glad I saw that post about the Port Reading branch, because I worked Weston tower after Conrail took over, and put trains down that line. Nice pictures.
And this is in the NJT forum why? Probably better asked in one of the main RR.net forums.
Actually, I intended to put it on the Jersey forum; but it was 3:30am when I first posted it, and I was careless, and then figured I'd let it go. It seems to me the topic is applicable to any forum.
Last edited by philipmartin on Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
  by sullivan1985
Welcome to the internet.. OF THE FUTURE! Where search engines scan the internet for publicly available data!

  by PullmanCo
philipmartin wrote:How come posts here may wind up on Google? For example, google Manunka Chunk Tunnels, and work you way to the item marked RAILROAD.NET.
You can look on Google again and find out how "robot" software works.

If the webmasters were to edit the site's "robots.txt" file with several "disallow" statements, then you wouldn't see RRNET so much on any search engine.
  by philipmartin
Actually, I don't mind being on Google. In fact I feel like a world wide celebrity. I'm just surprised.

  by PullmanCo
In that case, like another poster said, welcome to the internet. That's how it works.
  by Uzi-Cat
Thanks for coming in.
  by cruiser939
philipmartin wrote:I'm glad I saw that post about the Port Reading branch, because I worked Weston tower after Conrail took over, and put trains down that line.
Ok, I'm just going to come out and ask the question that everyone has to be thinking. Are there any railroad related jobs that you haven't held.
  by philipmartin
Are there any railroad related jobs that you haven't held.
I was lucky to work when there were comparatively more railroad jobs around. Most of the jobs I worked no longer exist.