• Steamer #14 - 3d Computer Artwork

  • All about the Arcade & Attica Railroad
All about the Arcade & Attica Railroad

Moderator: Benjamin Maggi

  by admiralwolf
jgallaway81 wrote:Image

Just an 18 variate on this paint scheme, whatcha think?
Actually, any chance anyone has a much larger version of that image? I teach 3D modeling and I've used a few different railroad themed projects for my students. (Walt Disney World RR and Monorails, Buffalo Metrorail) I think modeling ANA 14, 18 or even one of the diesels would be a great project... anyone have any REALLY good, large images I might be able to use for reference? I would love to get photos with my camera, but until (and unless) the steam engine is running again, it's kinda hard to do.

  by admiralwolf
Thank you. I didn't see that link before. That'll do perfect to get it started. I'll post examples of progress as it comes.

  by admiralwolf
Ok, here are a few very early test renders. Please bare in mind that this is my first time really hit a project based on this level of realism in a long time, so if it looks cheesy, I'm just getting back to doing projects of this nature in the spare time between teaching and working as a software engineer.






  by Otto Vondrak
Nice start on rendering the tender! This is just an observation, but the tender trucks look a bit stretched out- is that distortion from the software?


  by admiralwolf
Yep, the tender trucks are oversized right now compared to the rest - the trucks I did sort of free-style without looking at the reference pictures, just while I was trying to get a handle on the general design of bogeys of that style. When 18 finally comes back to service, I'm going to ask the guys to let me quickly get the dimensions (with a tape measure if I can) just so I can make sure I'm being precise. I can make a few estimates, from eyeballing it, but I want to try to get a good level of accuracy.

More to follow (including photos from my trip today).

  by admiralwolf
I'm taking a break from my steamer model for a shot on 111. Here's a good portion of the generic 44 tonner frame I've done... about 3 1/2 hours so far. Please don't laugh too hard. I'm still sort of novice in 3D modeling:


  by Benjamin Maggi
It looks good so far. Remember, once it is in the proper "paint," a lot of minor imperfections will disappear.

  by admiralwolf
Yes, the texturing would erase some of my sins while hopefully not creating more.

Here's the newest version - just changed handrails and I'll be redoing the window and doorway cuts in a bit.


  by admiralwolf
And a closeup of the trucks so far


  by jgallaway81
Hey Greg... http://anarr.com/exclusives/drawings/65-tonner.gif Here is the link to the 65-tonner I drew up based off the RPS 44-tonner.
  by admiralwolf
I've recently gotten some more work done on my CG model of #112. Still have some cleanup to do on it and have to add on the decorations for the paint scheme and numbering, but here's an updated version with a couple of long-haul coach models made by one of my students:
