• Ex-SP Lucin Cutoff

  • Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Komachi

  by tapper13
Hi everyone. I'm going to be in the Salt Lake City area soon for a few days and I wanted to do some photography of the Lucin Cutoff. Are there any good accessible photo spots? I have seen aerial photos as well as some that look like they were taken from a bluff near one end. I would greatly appreciate any detailed info on how to reach good photo locations as well as any info on traffic density, best times of day to catch trains, general number of trains per day in daylight and radio frequencies. Thanks in advance for any help.

  by slchub
Which area(s) of the Lakeside Sub are you looking for? Near Ogden, Lucin, the lake?

The amount and type of traffic is hard to predict but you can count on trains running throughout the day.

  by tapper13
I am looking for a good spot for photography of the tracks stretching out across the lake. Some shots I have seen appear to be from an elevated position, like a bluff.