Discussion of Canadian Passenger Rail Services such as AMT (Montreal), Go Transit (Toronto), VIA Rail, and other Canadian Railways and Transit

Moderator: Ken V

  by 2spot
Thats just about the stupidest thing I've ever witnessed. Human evolution takes another step backwards with this imbecile.

  by Engineer James
You couldn't pay me enough to do something like that!

  by pennsy
Hi All,

Normally, the guy sets the camcorder on automatic, and leaves it between the rails, and gets the shots desired. Surprised that I didn't hear the engineman leaning on the air horns.

As for the other comments, I will quote my sainted Grand Mother, " Not all of the crazy people are in the Crazy House. " Loosely translated from her native tongue.

  by L'mont
I could be wrong, but it looks like its a tressel. The guy could be down between the rails when the train goes over and is only holding the camera up. If you look at how the camera moves it doesn't look like there is someone lying at track level.

Yeah, I just watched it again. When the camera pans 180 degrees to see the back end of the train, it stays on the same level amd there's no place for a person to be. That's someones hand holding the camera from below.

Everyone: From what I read posted along the photog had the camera on a measured pole and got under a deck bridge videotaping the train crossing over him. There is no way someone is their right mind would literally lay in the track bed to videotape this train-that would be practically suicide! MACTRAXX

  by Ken V
A couple of comments:
  • the train in this video is the Ocean
  • it's obvious the camera operator wasn't on the tracks - no horn; no braking - the engineers probably never even noticed the camera

  by Peter Radanovic
There is no way that an average person can fit between two rail-ties, so I doubt that anyone was letting themselves get "run over" in the video.

  by MassBayMC1131
lol, there is no way a person can turn themself around under a train! i wonder how he rigged that thing up to lower and turn the camera... interesting.

  by Engineer James
Ok, my mistake. Just the way the explanation was worded. Still pretty cool.... but also scary.

  by 2spot
Thats great guys but since its posted on a couple sites (one a college site) how long before an idiot or two try it laying on the ties? Monkey see, monkey do. 'Hey, that guy got away with it (or fit).' Just because you've debunked how it was done doesn't mean everybody will. Somebody will think the obvious and die trying it.

  by L'mont
My answer to that is, Darwin. If you're dumb enough to get on your back between the rails for an oncoming train then.......

.....you get the point.

  by Otto Vondrak
I don't think we should be promoting this kind of activity. Thread is locked.


  by Ken V
2spot wrote:Thats great guys but since its posted on a couple sites (one a college site) how long before an idiot or two try it laying on the ties? Monkey see, monkey do. 'Hey, that guy got away with it (or fit).' Just because you've debunked how it was done doesn't mean everybody will. Somebody will think the obvious and die trying it.
Yes, that is a very legitimate concern. No matter how many times you say don't try this at home, somebody's bound to think "I can do that" and not get hurt. Still, I don't believe discussing it here will drive anyone reading this forum to try something that stupid. And, by pointing out that the video isn't what it appears, we may actually discourage someone from considering lying down between the rails.

  by ridintherails
Moderator's note: This post was removed for several reasons:
- off topic
- not related to VIA
- against forum policies