• who own this site an out side company or RIT Collage?

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General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by SRS125
is this site a public site owned by an out side parent company or is it set up managed and run by RIT Collage kids? It would seem that its been infested with a lot of them. This is my clear out view I'm geting here is a bunch of know it alls from that area of New York State who have never worked for a railroad in there life but seem to think its ok to run people off the site with there brain washed anti-socialist ideas of what can and can't be posted. I know what its like to be in a Country being run by a dictator and seen what its like to have no free speech I've been to a few of them nice little holes in the world for varyed contract jobs and so forth. When I post something on here one of these modulators seems to get all up tight and delete the postings. It would seem that I'm reliveing a world of prying eyes and crying babys who bitch about everything from spelling to messages that are being posted weather someone is telling the truth, makeing a strong point, makeing a joke, or just makeing a general posting. I my self would like to know who the hell rilly owns and runs this site. So theres no need to lie to me becouse I'm takeing this subject to question and ask what the limitations are to my right to free speech is being violated by dictators who seem to be crushing my right to post freeley my questions, ideas, opnions, and general postings.

If I dopn't feel that anyones being honest with me then it might be well worth takeing my rights it into question with my congress men over this issue. Sents some of you were not to bright and posted your first and last names It might be well worth submiting your names if he feels that my right to free posting has been violated.

  by Gilbert B Norman
I have been waiting for the opportunity to respond to the originator's posting for some time. I believed it inappropriate to do so while I held a Moderator's appointment, lest I be deemed to be speaking in behalf of the site's management. But now that my term as a Moderator has expired, I respond in only one capacity - and that is fellow Member.

The point within the originator's statement I wish to address is this pervceived "right of free speech". The so-called First Amendment Rights extend only so far as "Congress shall make no law....' appertaining speech, assembly, religion, and petition. This Amemdment ensures that there will not be a law stating that it is against the law to criticize President Bush or whoever. But simply because no such law can be 'on the books", does not mean that privately owned media outlets may choose to prohibit, or control, criticism of, say in this instance, President Bush.

There is nothing saying that conservative leaning news outlets such as Fox News or Wall Street Journal are required by law to open their circulation facilities to enable any person to, say again, criticize President Bush. Likewise, on the other hand, there is nothing requiring that The New York Times control the views of their two most "Bush hating' columnists, namely Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich. Naturally, if the Times feels that their curculation is imperiled because Messrs. Dowd and Rich opinions, then Times management is free to terminate the employment or other contractual relationship with either.

But no one can cart either off to the pokey for such.

Now as all of the above relates to railroad.net. Railroad.net is a privately owned media facility just as is The Times, Journal, and Fox. The site owner has every legal right to have chosen to permit uncontrolled discussion or could have chosen to establish and exercise control over such. The owner chose the latter and appointed Administrators and Moderators - all of whom are empowered to exercise editorial control over the material posted at the site.

So in fact what a Member here holds is a license, or a grant of privilege, to post at the forum. That license is extended at the sole pleasure of the site owner, and can be withdrawn also at his pleasure.

In short, there is no right of free speech associated with either this site or any other out there. I am aware that there is some Mother Lode that the internet means you can say whatever you want without any fear of censorship (edit/removal of a post or the license in whole). While it may be Mother Lode, Urban Legend, or whatever, it simply is not grounded in law.

  by Otto Vondrak
You know, I was going to explain the above in a similar manner, but I took the shortcut. The only thing you left out was the usage of "collage." As an art student, I did create several "collages" while I attended "college" but I'm sure SRS125 did not know that. I do not entirely fault him for his use of the word, English is his learned second language.

Railroad.net- a privately-owned and operated railroad enthusiasts' web site. We thank you all for being here, and joining up. As our guests, I would like to welcome you to the world of moderated discussion. We hope your stay is a pleasant one.
