• Moderators and their signatures

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by Otto Vondrak
I want to ask the moderators how they would feel about changing their signatures to include their real name and "[Name of Forum] Moderator." This would help the users know who they are talking to, and it would help the site admins know who their volunteers are. I don't feel comfortable with anonymous moderators. What do you all think?


  by Gilbert B Norman
The only way I have ever posted at either this or any predecessor Railroad.Net site is with my given legal name. My profile, including an MP on the BNSF/CB&Q is quite complete.

Something tells me that with a Mapquest or Google web map along with a white page telephone directory, someone could identify my exact location as well. I fear not, as I stand behind with my own name, any posting I make or any action I take as Moderator of the Amtrak Forum at this site.

  by David Benton
i used to be Solar , now i use my real name . i like using my real name better now .
  by Komachi
I like the anonymity of using "handles," (screen-names, whatever you prefer to call them), however, if my fellow moderators and you, the site administratior, prefer that we use our real names, I will abide by that decision.

  by Otto Vondrak
I dont even mind "handles" as screennames, but I'd like it if everyone at least signed posts with their real names. But I'm more concerned about the moderators. Mr. Norman and Mr. Benton use their real names as screen names (as do I), so I dont think it's as big an issue. If you prefer to use a handle, I would prefer that posts get signed with your real name. If someone has a loud protest to this suggestion, let me know. For instance, if you dont want your id revealed because you work for the railroad, we can make an arrangement.


  by David
Already using my first name--My last name is located on my profile. Good idea Otto---

  by Ken V
I too use my real first name (and last name initial), but am not wholly comfortable with publicizing (as Mr. Norman might say) the whole enchilada for the entire world to see. I have no qualms, however, in doing so in emails and other less public correspondences.

For example, a simple internet search reveals the following information (no guarantee of accuracy):
Look, I found Otto's info in the Yello Pages

  by Otto Vondrak
Well if anyone wants to come visit, Ken V. has done half the work for you. Just call first (the number is there, too). (Just remember Ken, as a Site Admin, "I've got your number," too!)

If you're worried about putting too much info out there, then sign your name and dont put a town. Put a state. Or a region. I mean, geez, people will find you and a map to your house no matter what you do.


  by Ken V
Otto Vondrak wrote:(Just remember Ken, as a Site Admin, "I've got your number," too!)-otto-
I'm not worried about that :-). It's CrazyNip's crazier 4th cousin who might crawl out of the woodwork that concerns me.

Besides, since you already have the information, then it defeats one of the originally stated reasons for the request:
Otto also wrote:
... and it would help the site admins know who their volunteers are. I don't feel comfortable with anonymous moderators.

  by Otto Vondrak
Ken, I disagree.


Otto, I for one, don't want the "exposure" of having my name in print. Both you and Mike know my name, as I give it, when sending you emails, or PM's. As a full time engineer/SLE and Instructor, I don't want my name, or those of my employers, or employees, "compromised" by the legal name posting. Many of the "real" railroaders know my name, that post here, and they don't call me by that name, when posting with/to me, and I don't name them, unless their name is already posted as their user ID. (example: LCJ is a former instructor I had, but I don't use his name, even if others do) There can sometimes be a "stigma" attached to being a fan, or showing more interest, than those around you. I enjoy being an "undercover" railfan, while at work, and I am sure (or hope) you guys can understand this. I usually sign my first name, when answering PM's, or e'mails. Just my .02 cents worth. Regards, :-D

  by Otto Vondrak
Golden-Arm, I understand your point.


  by Aa3rt
I have been using both my "real" name and amateur radio call sign since I began moderating here at "RAILROAD.NET". As my amateur radio license is a matter of public record, any amateur can be found (home address and even geographic coordinates) using an on-line database such as those found at ARRL.ORG, QRZ.COM or EHAM.NET.

I do understand why some moderators would wish to preserve their anonimity however we have had some moderators go "Missing In Action".
I believe the site admins should have a "contact list" in the event moderators haven't logged in for a while whether it be due to illness, travel or a geographic change.
  by chris123678
Hello Jeff and other Moderators.
I'm a new member here but I've followed this thread since 2006. How do you become a moderator? I would Like to volunteer if possible?
I've been pretty depressed. I've lost my job and my Aunt passed away last month. I just want something to keep myself active, if possible.
  by DutchRailnut
get in line kid ;-) I have been trying for 16694 post now LOL