• Remaining 1600-series control cars

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by railfan1988
Does anyone have a list of the remaining 1600-series (Bombardier) control cars? From what I can gather, 1628, 1636 and 1638 are still in service, however, there may be more. Also, what is going to be done with the 1600s? Are they going to be scrapped?
  by dieciduej
The MBTA Vehicle Inventory Page ([url][/http://roster.transithistory.org/url]), a good resource, it shows the following cars active:

1628, 1630, 1632, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1640, 1643, 1647, 1651
  by MBTAVideoClips
Me & some friends are keeping track of cab cars here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1949402421.
(flip to Cab Car Updates tab). We update it every so often with information like when cars were last seen, and usually if bombardier comets are not seen for at least 1 month, they are most likely stored. As of 3/8, 1628, 30, 32, 36, 37, 38, 40, 47 and 51 were seen less than a month ago, tho 51 hasn't been seen since Feb 27 which means it could also be stored.
  by OldColonyRailfan
1651 is a goner. Get ready for another one to go as well.
  by CRail
Every time a new Rotem control car enters service, a 1700 goes north and a 1600 gets sidelined. AFAIK none of them are retired at this time, they're stored serviceable.

I suspect the decision of which goes next is relative to their blue cards. Control cars are engines in the eyes of the FRA, which is why they're more expensive to run even if not as a controlling unit. It's the reason 1600-1624 were deactivated years ago, and why most of those are still in service.
  by MBTAVideoClips
Yeah most of them probably have their control stands and etc but there may be some exceptions. I wonder how long the 1600-24 cars will stay after the 1625-52 cars are gone. 1607 which was stored in Readville was also moved up on the switcher yesterday. It makes sense why most aren't going anytime soon though, they are literally the same as the other blind comets (excluding small differences and ofc the cab still being there) which are staying for now.
  by CRail
1600-1624 do not have their cabs. They have been plated over and controls (and associated equipment) have been removed. They are essentially 600s except for some cab vestiges (like their numbers...), unlike the 1300s which you wouldn't recognize without knowing what they are.

Blind single level cars will not see a widespread retirement until the next order of double deckers which hasn't even had an RFP yet. That order was initiated but cancelled by the pandemic and has yet to resume. So blind flats are not going anywhere soon.