• Grizzly Fatalaties: Sob Sob For BNSF; Just Doing Business

  • Discussion related to BNSF operations. Official site: BNSF.COM
Discussion related to BNSF operations. Official site: BNSF.COM

Moderator: Komachi

  by Gilbert B Norman
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/10/scie ... eaths.html

Fair Use:
The long freight trains climb slowly over Marias Pass, through snow-draped mountains south of Glacier National Park and north of the Great Bear Wilderness, snaking through some of the wildest country in the Lower 48.

Some 25 trains a day, each a chain of 90 to 120 cars, make the journey over the Rocky Mountains in northern Montana at speeds up to 25 miles per hour. They have long been a threat to grizzly bears, and last year was the worst with eight of the bears — a federally protected species — run over by trains. On one day in June, a mother and her two cubs were killed by trains in two separate incidents. The long-term average for grizzly deaths by train is two a year.
Come on Gray Lady, Warren's railroad has a business to run; and commerce must move.

Sorry 'bout that, Yogi.
  by eolesen
They should be fining the bears like they do cars and pedestrians who ignore the lights...

Notice there's no concern about the deer or elk that get killed. #DeerLivesMatter
  by Backshophoss
It''s just like any other animal strike,Stop train, inspect lead unit for damage,remove remains and "fix damage"(sledgehammer")
if possible, continue to next yard.