Discussion of the past and present operations of the Long Island Rail Road.

Moderator: Liquidcamphor

Perhaps some could expand on their definitions of "extreme." Expecting more out of something you pay money for doesn't really seem "extreme," but rather pretty natural. When fare increases continually exceed the rate of inflation, one would expect that with each additional rate hike you get something more out of the service you pay for, but the trend over the last couple years has been a service that is far from perfect and one that is growing less reliable each year--and not for reasons entirely beyond the LIRR's control...
  by LongIslandTool
It's always a loss when someone literate and opinionated decides to stop sharing on line. The Internet's a great forum open to anything anybody wants to share. Sure, a writer needs a thick skin, subjects himself to often pointless attack and abuse, but is completely free in airing his thoughts and sometime unpopular ideas.

Of course I took exception to what I perceived as LIRR42's "class envy," and took him to task on some postings that showed disdain for employee organizing and ignorance of heavy industry's workforce in America. But I welcomed the discussion, for the writings of one guy often reflect the opinions shared by many. I enjoy the opportunity to respond to what I feel are untruths, and I did. I'm sure the banter was informative to some readers.

It's through the learning of other opinions and the openness to other ideas that we learn and and become more tomorrow than we are today.

I hope this fellow overcomes any health issues he may have, and hope that he reconsiders his membership in a community that enjoyed his hard work and often controversial viewpoints.
  by nyandw
Slippy wrote:Steve, perhaps you may need me to spell it out for you since you couldn't comprehend my last post..."
Thank you for the expanded explanation which clarifies the position of perhaps many of the past/current LIRR employees. It always presents an issue, regardless, when "outsiders" have strong opinions concerning others employment. This holds true whether it is retail, insurance, or any other industry. One reason I have never participated in this area of posts is that I have never been a railroad employee; thus I would be in a poor position to judge.

As an aside, this forum, overall, is well managed and contains a great variety of useful and informative exchange. Yes, there are always some threads that may not be to everyone's liking. Such is the internet. :wink: I, for one, would like to see all the internal LIRR employee issues, crafts, negotiations, labor disputes, on time problems, etc. in its own forum, but that is just a view of mine and doesn't take away from the overall experience.

BTW: Your additional time, patience and clarification to help "spell it out for me since I couldn't comprehend your last post..." was greatly appreciated in light of my limited knowledge into the the inside LIRR viewpoint(s).
Last edited by nyandw on Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Everyone: I just noticed that LIRR42 was missing myself...

I think that he would have written a entry into his "LIRR Today" blog on how the 8/13 Deluge had affected
the LIRR...I was actually looking forward to seeing something by him about this subject...

Hopefully his absence is temporary...MACTRAXX
  by Fan Railer
MACTRAXX wrote:Everyone: I just noticed that LIRR42 was missing myself...

I think that he would have written a entry into his "LIRR Today" blog on how the 8/13 Deluge had affected
the LIRR...I was actually looking forward to seeing something by him about this subject...

Hopefully his absence is temporary...MACTRAXX
IIRC, he was posting very recently over at NYC Transit Forums... got into a heated argument over something about equipment moves.
  by Blockhead98
While we're on this topic, has anyone heard from "Grumpy Old Man"? I don't have convenient access to a computer so I'm rarely on this site. I just realized its been awhile since I've seen a post from him. Hope all is well and a shout out to him again.
  by patcat88
To me on the internet, it seems Patrick either suddenly passed away or was incarcerated. No sign off, no good bye. Blog was probably locked due to spam building up without him deleting it in a reasonable time period. The blog was an encyclopedia of information, from an employee's and rider's eyes, not a railfans. That kind of view is very hard to find online.
  by jackintosh11
He has been active in the comments section of Second Avenue Sagas, and said that he wanted to bring the blog back, he just didn't know when he would be able.
  by lirr42

As several of you might have heard, I was "out of service" for a period of several weeks over the summer, and in the meantime, I have been busy trying to work on getting back to normal, so I have not been updating the site. (Access to it had to be restricted since there was quite a buildup of spam comments in my absence that had to be cleaned up). It's not the way I would have liked things to go, but, as they say, things happen.

As to my involvement in this particular forum, I decided quite a while ago that reading and posting here was not really worth my time (my last post here was on the 29th of May). As I said in that post, this is becoming a community less and less worth participating in. At one point, this forum was incredibly active with many people contributing to interesting discussions, but over time that has dwindled. I have lurked here on occasion, and will probably drop a few lines in some threads I was reading, but, at first glance, this still doesn't seem like a place I would bother visiting with any frequency.

Can I say that I am surprised by the outcome of this summer's little episode of internal strife? No. Do I still think that the commuter got the short end of the stick in terms of higher fare increases and less money for future capital improvements? Absolutely. As I said back then, I found it curious that the members of the LIRR unions were so eager to undermine the financial solvency of the very agency that pays their salaries. You can only strangle the golden goose so much before it drops dead. A situation very similar played out in the medical industry some decades ago... there was very little oversight, physicians were very greedy, and there was lots of waste. All of a sudden, it got to the point where the waste was just way too much that the government had no choice but to step in and crack down on the industry, and now there's a million more restrictions and regulations governing almost everything, insurance companies nitpick every little thing, and it can be maddening at times. But so it goes. And so it went with many parts of the financial industry back during the recent recession. The waste and inefficiency is fun and good during times of economic prosperity, which we will hopefully be in for quite some time, but the rank and file of the nation's railroads are setting themselves up for a disaster. Public agencies can generally get away with this kind of stuff, thanks to the general notion with them that money grows on trees and they don't really have to care as much about balancing budgets, turning profits, or keeping costs down. But next time the MTA is having trouble making ends meet, and we have a governor who doesn't not care one bit about the transportation network that drive's this region's economy, the unions might have a much more difficult time making such 'outlandish' requests. Hopefully the ---- storm won't come until after you've retired, but enjoy the waste and inefficiency now, because its days are numbered.

In regards to The LIRR Today, the site won't be updated for a little while, but I have been sending out occasional updates via e-mail to The LIRR Today's Mailing List, and if you'd like, you can sign up for that using this form. (Those on the mailing list can also request access to the archived posts on the website).
  by lirr42
EM2000 wrote:Maybe he finally realized he's not an employee in operations and finally gave up posting bad info?
You've said this on several occasions, but you have not once provided any examples. I like to learn just as much as the next guy, so, out with it.
  by lirr42
Slippy wrote:Anyone who comes onto Railroad.net and starts berating any railroad craft, in this case labor agreements and you are astounded as to the reason why you are getting flak from the employees take your head out of the sand. Save it for your private blogs or Newsday comment section. This is not specific to the LIRR sub-forum and could have happened on any sub forum. That is the biggest offender that will discourage most if not all employees from participating in discussion. That's like me being a firefighter "buff," going into Ladder #12's house and telling all the guys that I resent the fact they don't work a 5 day work week and I get my ass kicked for it.
The thing is, I pay money to use the LIRR and the other MTA services. Quite a lot. And as a fare payer and a New York State taxpayer, I have every right to expect a reasonable value for the money I pay, just as you have every right to expect a reasonable value for the things you pay for. When fares continue to increase and reliability continues to decrease (and, boy, is it decreasing), one can not help but look at several of the sheer inefficiencies at the railroad and expect something to be done about it. If you were shopping at a grocery store, and while you were checking out, the bookkeeper came over to the register, took out a bunch of money, and then lit it on fire, then the next time you were there the prices for everything was $1 higher, would you be a little ticked off? I don't resent any of the work that railroaders do...I don't like the waste and inefficiencies that go with the way the railroad currently operates.
  by John_Perkowski
I think we are done here.