• Phoenix and Chicago terminal

  • Discussion about the Union Pacific operations past and present. Official site can be found here: UPRR.COM.
Discussion about the Union Pacific operations past and present. Official site can be found here: UPRR.COM.

Moderator: GOLDEN-ARM

  by specialk1213
Good afternoon everyone. New member here. I just applied for train crew position for Phoenix and Chicago. Looking through previous post it appears that the terminal you applied for may not be the terminal you are based after training? (If I understood that right) Curious if there are any members on here that are currently in either of these terminals and what the outlook is like at those bases. I currently live in PHX but would be willing to move to Chicago where the fiance's family is. Is there ever a reason that you are forced to move to another terminal (Even though you do not want to) or is it only if you bid for it?

Second note: I was a pilot for the airlines from 2007-2008 and was furloughed and no longer fly for the airlines, but I see that is still a possibility in the railroad. Any recent grumblings about it or is it terminal to terminal and subject to the economy as is the airlines.

Thanks for any information anyone has.
  by specialk1213
Ok let me scale down and simplify my question to just the Phoenix terminal (yard) since now the fiance just vetoed Chicago for right now. So my focus would be the Phoenix terminal. Anyone have information on what the status of Phoenix is as far as seniority (And if I could hold a spot out of training there), yard life, (Sorry if my terminology is off), and any furloughs recently? I just scheduled my reading test for the 16th so hoping things move along nicely.
  by mxracr121
Hey, I applied for the Phoenix train crew opening as well. I did my reading test this past Saturday. I recieved an invitation to the hiring session, but it appears that it may already be full. I wouldn't be expecting this process to move too fast.