• Equipment stored at Colonie Shops

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New York State.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by Noel Weaver
Alcoman wrote:".. restoration efforts require lots of things in short supply: time, people, money (and a good facility). "

The M&H Chapter had plently of all of the above including a place to work on the equipment until they were thrown out by Guilford.
The problem was more related to:
1) How the people who wanted to work were treated. We had 1 guy who thought he knew more than anyone else and treated people like they knew nothing. We had a good number of people who showed up on weekends ready to help only to end up walking away in disgust because of this same person who did not know how to run a work group. People quit coming to the work sessions after awhile.

2) I helped raise over $15,000 dedicated for equipment restoration only to watch it get used for a large part on non-equipment purposes. This was due to the fact that the group spent more money than they took in and "borrowed" from the equipment preservation account. This money was never repayed. There was nothing left for any projects in the end.

3) I was equipment chairman at one point and after proposing some painting jobs including the S-motor and T-Motor, I was refused permission to spend the money needed to do it even tho we had the money in the equipment fund.
4) I had proposed leasing out various pieces of equipment to operating museums to restore those that needed to be restored in exchange
for those groups using same. As an example, I proposed that the RS-3 be sent to the Adirondack Scenic or Battenkill free for one year in exchange
for needed repairs . After which a lease on a sliding scale would have been proposed. I was turned down for this Flat!

So you see, the problem with this group was more than skin deep. It had some very serious issues which resulted in many members quitting the group who otherwise were interested in supporting it.

As of now, the group has less than 20 members many of which are incapable of doing any physical labor anymore to work on equipment, no money, and no place to do anything on equipment.
They used to Co-sponsor a Train Show in Albany and now they don't do that either.
The remaining equipment neededs to be given away to groups and museums who are willing and able to retore and maintain it.
The M. & H. chapter had an opportunity a few years back to move the
equipment to a location where it would have been properly cared for.
At this point, most if not all of the equipment can not be moved on its own
wheels and we are talking bucks to get this stuff to a safe haven.
M. & H. members most likely do not even know what is there or just where
the stuff is. The only reason that I knew was because I still have some
railroad connections there
The organization no longer even puts out a newsletter to keep its members informed.
To me it is a very sad situation.
Noel Weaver

  by SRS125
scottychaos wrote:Are there any D&H locomotives actually preserved anywhere?
at a museum or in the collection of an *active* historical society?
I know there are several D&H locos still in use on shortlines, but I cant think of any that are preserved!

(well..ok, 2 of the C420's can be considered "preserved", but I consider those LV engines! ;)

its too bad the Albany area doesent have a really good and active historical society or RR museum..there is a ton of RR history out that way!
and it would be the ideal location for some kind of Alco museum..
maybe someday!

when the D&H Sold there PA1's to the NDeM in Mexaco one was preserved. The Mexican Government found out that one was rebuilt and put into active service so they the Government pulled it out of service after finding out that the NDeM restored one and put it in a Museum in I think in Mexico City somewhere. I think its in FNM paint colors.

  by onder
Well after reading these posts, I see it is even worse
than I thought. There are few groups of people
doing anything in which personality issues do not
arise. When this happens, most smart folk just
leave. Unfortunately, the hardware then is in
the hands of the guys who caused the trouble
in the first place.

Ah...it is never easy. But if they slice up that

  by Aji-tater
It's a damn shame - there are very few FA's in existance, and two of them sit in New York, victims of "preservation" groups which do not seem able to do anything with them. There are lots of S-2's and similar units preserved - how unfortunate those FA's can't find a good home. If I win the lottery, I'll make the Buffalo and Albany groups offers they can't refuse and have a matched pair, LOL.
  by trainspot
First, regarding the PAs, there are 2 at the same Mexican museum (17 and 19)
I hear 2 parties are interested in the FA and someone is interested in the LI 417. Shame they sat there so long in the elements, which will make restoration take longer. Not to mention the "hurdles" of unconnected track, and friction bearing trucks!

  by SRS125
So the Mexican Rail system did rebuild a 2ed PA Locomotive good to know!

  by EastCleveland
If you're interested, you'll find photos of the orphaned and semi-orphaned equipment here:


  by DutchRailnut
or try the page on Doyle Mcormack's site:

  by Brad Smith
Photos like those are why I need to amend my will to insure a closed casket. I would rather my friends remember me when I was alive and vibrant, not dead and decrepet! :wink:
I had not seen those before. That was depressing. Thanks for the link.(?)

This may be a rookie question but I'm not as deep into this as most of you. Is there a group who are attempting to bring those units back from the dead?

Never mind, I just looked at the rest of the gallery and see that, yes, one is being restored. Incredible! :-D

  by DutchRailnut
yes the two decrepit units in first link will be restored , one as NKP 190. other as non functioning santa fe unit for smithonian. for the restoration of NKP 190 see the other links :


The unit is getting pretty far allong in restoration with new engine and electrical cabinets etc.
  by trainspot
Here is a photo of the 17 next to the 19 in a Mexican museum. I believe both still run!

  by SRS125
Both PA 1's were fully restored by the Mexican rail system and do operate one of the 2 units made it to "Thows Incredable Alco's" Vol. 1 by Pentrex who caught the one above runing in two sepreate trains in 1995. Vary nice shots with lots of heavy Black smoke :-)