by Colin154
I would like to know the way you decipher this 06 762 99 99 (customer) or 06 754 97 97 (customer), etc.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Railroad Forums
Moderator: Robert Paniagua
Colin154 wrote:UPRR Engineer wants to know why.Hard to answer your question without knowing what railroad you're talking about. Surprised your maps don't come with a key... no one memorizes those catalog numbers, they are merely there for billing and tracking purposes.
I have several maps that I have imported into Autocad and traced them. Along with the trace I would like to include the text info and undestand why it is used. Eventually I would like to incorporate this into a scale model railroad.
I have found information regarding the symbols and some information about zone tracks spotting. However, the descrition is lackinng beyond the normal lower numbers - ie; 01 10. I would like to understand what 99 99 is, or 97 97 is?