• Ontario Eastern Railroad (ONER)

  • A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads
A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by tomjohn
Other than what the website says about the ONTARIO EASTERN Railroad which runs from Ogdensburg, NY, Heuvelton,NY and Rensselaer Falls to De Kalb(junction) and connecting with csx at DeKalb junction,anyone know anything more about this little rail line?

  by BR&P
You might want to change "runs" to "ran". Aside from a couple small shippers, ONER only had 1 major customer, a paper mill. When it shut down in 1983 or so, so did the line.

Interestingly, the scrap contractor was Amish. So the rails were lifted the same way they were put down - with men and horses.
  by BR&P
LMAO! Somebody is having great fun with a web site! It's a hoax, although I have seen actual corporate websites less professionally done than that one.

The rails actually were torn up back in the '80s. There is no listing for this railroad in the Pocket List or Official Guide, and CSX does not show it as an interchange point. Another giveaway is the note that they contract our their locomotive repairs to the Rutland! And don't you think that if it did exist, it would have been discussed on these pages, Railpace, and other sources?

This railroad may well exist, but if it does it's in somebody's basement, with motive power by Athearn! Some people live in a fantasy world and have WAY too much time on their hands!
  by Aa3rt
I checked out the links, being especially interested in the MDRAIL information.


The station in the middle photo is the depot here in La Plata, MD on the Pope's Creek sub of CSX (former Conrail, PennCentral, Pennsylvania, originally Baltimore & Potomac). I have to agree with BR&P on this one, a hoax. Some people participate in fantasy sports leagues, this appears to be a fantasy railroad network.