by NIMBYkiller
Where does CSX have customers between Selkirk and Buffalo? I'm asking because everyone talks about improving passenger rail service in this country but loves to forget the importance of our freight network. NYC to Toronto, to me, is ripe for far more frequent service in addition to operating over a ROW that is largely straight enough (read: gentle curves) that it would be easier to bring up to higher speeds than many other potential corridors. We all know CSX has been fighting any of these improvements, so I'm looking outside the box. If an agreement could be made where the government (state, federal, whichever) were to rebuild the ROW that parallels the line on the south side of the Mohawk River, could CSX be re-directed over that? Are there too many customers being served on the existing ROW, or is it mostly just a through route?
The only other way I could see passenger rail improving upstate would be if the ROW were expanded, and CSX has stated their demands regarding that.
The only other way I could see passenger rail improving upstate would be if the ROW were expanded, and CSX has stated their demands regarding that.