• NYCHS Annual Meeting in Indy

  • Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.
Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by Roger Hensley
This was posted to the old list, but I post it again as a reminder.

Right here in the heart of Big Four country!!
The New York Central System Historical Society will hold its 2004 Annual Meeting and Train Show in Indianapolis on April 23, 24 and 25, 2004.
For all of those Big Four/NYC fans near Indianapolis, here is the chance to meet with others who remember and preserve the NYC memories and heritage. If you're an NYCSHS member, don't miss this one. If you aren't a member, maybe now is a good time to join and give it a try. IMO The 'Central Headlight' is worth the price of admission.

I said to myself a while back that if the Annual Meeting was ever held close enough to drive, I would attend. Well, I'm 40 miles from Indy and Good Lord willing, I'll make this one. Can't get much closer!! I just sent in my Meeting and Dinner Registration.

Here is a link to the society's page about the Annual Meeting:
I've added that link to my Railroads of Madison County web site at: http://madisonrails.railfan.net/
I have added the Train Show flier and the Itinerary and registration form to my site as well. You can access this info there or on the NYCSHS site.

You can find the pdf link on the NYCSHS web site at: http://www.nycshs.org/newsindymeet.html or on my RRsof MadCty site at: http://madisonrails.railfan.net/ on the home page.

  by Otto Vondrak
Has anyone made any plans for Indy? I want to participate this year, but I'm not sure how to go about making my plans. I want to fly in from New York (I cant afford to take the time to take the train) I'd rather not rent a car if I didn't have to... how far is the hotel from the airport? If anyone else has made their plans, I could use the help...


  by Ramcat

The show hotel has pickup service from the airport.

Call them on your arrival in Indianapolis and they will send a van. They should be listed in the baggage area with all the other hotels/motels. If not there their telephone number is (317) 299-8400.

The show hotel is:

Waterfront Plaza & Conference Center
2930 Waterfront Parkway West
Indianapolis< IN 46214

Telephone: (317) 299-8400
FAX: (317) 299-9257

  by Otto Vondrak
Well, work kept me away AGAIN this year. How was the converntion this year?


  by Roger Hensley
I'm sure that others can tell you more, but as for me...

I met a number of folks that I had met via Internet. Too many people, too little time...

I was delighted to see Phyllis Pangburn get the recognition she deserved. At the Banquet/Dinner of the NYCSHS convention Saturday night, President Gerbracht introduced Phyllis Pangburn. Phyllis was the first woman dispatcher in the United States and was an employee of the New York Central (Big Four) and assumed the position of Dispatcher in 1948 in Indianapolis. A number of folks who had only worked with her as a dispatcher and had never met her came up to talk. Another member mentioned that he had worked with her for years, but it was only in 1995 that they met face to face. I left before the General Meeting, but when I last saw Phyllis, she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Oh, by the way, when she met President Gerbracht, she was prepared to join the society on the spot. She had an application filled out and a check ready.

If you are interested, you can find out more about her in the Memory Pages of the Railroads of Madison County at: http://madisonrails.railfan.net/memory.html Scroll down to Maurice Lewman's section and select "A woman named Phyllis'.

I also managed to pick up some good photos and saw a great passenger car interior scratchbuilding presentation and a couple of other very good slide shows. I had already visited three of the layouts on the tour previously and thought that the choices were very good.

All in all, not bad. A few problems that could have been avoided perhaps, but not bad.