• NHIR 'L&C' Spring Photo Charter

  • A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads
A general discussion about shortlines, industrials, and military railroads

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by Andrew Blaszczyk (2)
Hey all, this past Sunday (May 7) was the NHIR 'L&C' Spring Photo Charter, the last chance to see #40 in Lancaster and Chester livery. For those who were on it I was wearing the plain black t-shirt and green pants and rode in the open car the whole day. I'm sorry my photos are not edited to be attachments but I will include links to the photos.

Here's how my day went -

First shot is of the second run-by at Lahaska:

Next up is the best run-by of the day, shot from the tie pile at Buckingham Valley:

This photo is from the hill at the sod farm in Wycombe:

Next are two from Rushland Trestle of the second and fourth run-bys:

During the lunch stop I took this at Wycombe:

It was back to Little Italy after lunch were I took this on a reverse move:

We headed further south from there to Rushland where we stopped at the rock cut:

Going north again we stopped at the sod farm once more to shoot from the west side:

Heading north again was a stop at the golf course at Buckingham:

That is currently the extent of my shots posted hopefully I will have more to share soon! Hope you enjoyed them and thank you for taking time to view them!