by atsf sp
Is there any good public roads to get to the NECR White River Junction North Yard? Where is power kept here? Is there any good public roads to get to the PAR White River Junction South Yard? Where is power kept here?
Railroad Forums
merrman wrote:The NECR enginehouse area is pretty much inaccessible.Is there any public road that turns into the private NECR access road that one might be able to catch a glance of the roundhouse from without entering NECR property?
Dick H wrote:The CV switcher power now usually ties up right across from the Amtrak station, as since the engine house fire, their yard office is located in the station building. You will also see the WACR loco and some passenger cars for the tourist train parked on the east side of the station. Also, if you wish, you can walk along the tracks across the Connecticut River to West Lebanon to check out the Claremont and Concord loco that is usually parked at the cement plant. There are not anyNobody should EVER be advised to walk on railroad property and especially across a railroad bridge under any circumstances.
no trespassing signs to prohibit crossing the river and you often see locals using this route.
NellsChoo wrote:Anyone know the reason why NECR seems to have not painted a unit in NECR colors since the railroad started? It's been, what, about 14 years?A good paint job costs a lot of money.