• New Brunswick Southern Railway

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in Canada. For specific railroad questions, see Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in Canada. For specific railroad questions, see Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Ken V

  by NHV 669
3095 reached the property yesterday, seen here on CP 120.

  by CPF66
Two more SD70M-2's should be showing up in the next week along with the rest of the final order in the next few months. That should bring the total on the railroad to 18 plus a parts unit, which will be scrapped in the near future once its picked clean.
  by MaineRailfan
The McAdam webcam is probably not happening. NBSR doesn't want a camera in an active yard (due to security reasons) and either they own the land the McAdam station is on or the road used to access the station, and threatened to revoke access if the cameras were installed. I have been working with Boston and Maine Live to work towards finding a new host location.
  by KuBand12
MaineRailfan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:10 pm The McAdam webcam is probably not happening. NBSR doesn't want a camera in an active yard (due to security reasons) and either they own the land the McAdam station is on or the road used to access the station, and threatened to revoke access if the cameras were installed. I have been working with Boston and Maine Live to work towards finding a new host location.
Keep us updated. It is unfortunate because it would have been a popular cam. The circumstances just weren't ideal. It would be nice if we could get a view somewhere close by to that though.

I can understand why NBSR wouldn't really want a camera there for the public. I would guess they probably already have a few cameras covering that yard for themselves.
  by MaineRailfan
They have remote cameras at the yards in Saint John and possibly Oakfield which are used to monitor rail traffic. So far there hasn't been a suitable location found yet. I reached out to a few property owners, but haven't had much success. Either they don't have electric service nearby/ internet, or the location and view aren't so great. There is still one person in NB I am talking to, so we might get one set up there.
  by jwhite07
The McAdam "railcam" has been on for a couple of days now, just pointing in a direction which offers no view of tracks. Apparently pending approval to view the tracks. I was unaware there were such limitations in Canada - I've certainly never encountered any issues with photographing or filming trains anywhere in that country, including at McAdam Station, both inside on a guided tour and outside the station from public property.