Well, the storm is finally over and I'm finally all dug out. While the snow wasn't very heavy, it was very sticky and held together making snowblowing difficult. My snowblower is over 30 years old and I can't believe its still running. Although I think the auger belt is about to snap. But I'm through the worst and the signals are still standing.
The lights are former crossing lights where the WS crossed Transit Rd [78]. Only the black search light portion was acquired. There is no circuitry or mirrors. That all remained on the property. Over the many years I've had these, they've been mounted in different ways. The current mounting is set up as top 3 lights are all wired together and "controlled" by the right garage door opener. I wired the three together and plugged it in to the right garage door simply because that's the busiest side [Kinda mainline}. The one on the bottom is wired by itself and "controlled" by the left garage door. I put one light on this side because it doesn't get much use [a siding].
While I realize that my set up doesn't follow strict NORAC rules, for me, its the thought that counts, not the absolute rule. I was thinking of putting a small green lens on the top light in the 2 o'clock position so when I come home and hit the button, I'll get a "clear" indication.......something towards Rule 281 with a touch of Rule 281b signals.
Replacing the existing lens' would be somewhat difficult. It took a lot of effort to keep as much of the original metal holding these in place. Taking them apart and putting in a new lens....not sure I want to do that. But, I will keep it in the back of my mind and when we get back into spring, I'll take a look at it.