I spent eight years in Strategic Air Command, '74-'82. I guess I always had the defective gene for railfanning, but didn't really get back into HO scale and everything until '83. But I hate to fly, so in '78 when the AF sent me back to Texas to cross-train from being a Security Specialist to being a Law Enforcement Specialist, I flew to TX and took Amtrak back eastward. In '81, when they sent me TDY to Lowry AFB, I flew to Denver and then took Amtrak back to Boston after the temporary duty.
I had another Amtrip in '89 when an old buddy (also a railfan) retired from the Navy at Newport News. I rode the train southward from BOS, and he met me at Richmond or another place along the route. I stayed with some friends of his (also railfans and ham radio operators like me and Fred) while he out-processed. Before we drove his truck back to MA, I helped him get measurements on some platform aggregate cars that were used somewhere in that area. (I'd never seen them before, and Fred eventually kitbashed a few, years before anyone produced commercial HO models of "rock cars." I held the "stupid end" of the tape while he measured and took photos.)
My last Amtrip was in '94, when an old buddy from my AF days got married, and I went out to the Rochester area for the wedding. They had an outdoor ceremony, and Conrail cruised past behind the house at least once during the afternoon.
I can recall seeing some kind of road switcher at Griffiss AFB, NY, my first duty assignment. I have a vague recollection that they might have been moving coal hoppers to supply the base steam plant, but I'm not sure on that. I do recall one of the SAC B-52 simulator cars (actually a set of cars, from what I just read on another site) being on a siding at the base.
My last assignment was Pease AFB, NH. I recall a concrete ramp at the end of the siding into the base, something I think would have allowed end-loading or -unloading flatcars, but now I can't even recall if there was track into the former POL area. The "tank farm" wasn't far from the building where I worked, but it now appears to be pretty much gone, along with a lot of other things.
Wish I'd known then to get some photos of all that.