by ExCon90
The Library of the National Railway Historical Society has received the following e-mail inquiry:
"I have a document from 1917 in which a relative gives his occupation as a 'Loop Fireman.' I am assuming this is a railroad occupation, though I have [not] been able to find anything on the Internet. My relative lived in New London, CT, and may have worked in the shipyards, though this is just a supposition."
Loop fireman is a new one on me. Does anyone know whether this was a term used locally around New London, or whether it applied to a specific job, (like "swing brakeman")?
"I have a document from 1917 in which a relative gives his occupation as a 'Loop Fireman.' I am assuming this is a railroad occupation, though I have [not] been able to find anything on the Internet. My relative lived in New London, CT, and may have worked in the shipyards, though this is just a supposition."
Loop fireman is a new one on me. Does anyone know whether this was a term used locally around New London, or whether it applied to a specific job, (like "swing brakeman")?