no reason to start new topic here but just wanted to clarify as i have recently taken waterbury line many times. in past year.
the 5:57am weekday train goes straight to Grand central terminal, (thru train to Grand Central, though not express)
it goes from Waterbury-local to Bridgeport, next Stamford, -then local to grand central. The MTA website says it goes to Stamford, but so far it has continued local from Stamford into grand central.
unless someones in a rush, there are a few people who just stay on the train which takes about 20 min longer than express connection from Stamford.
not sure why then don't use an M-8 to take the local from Stamford, why waist the diesel fuel.
also, i saw someone was wondering about old awning that covered the platform at Waterbury, here's a link to a pic. ... ressed.pdf
enjoy, to all people who remember.