by philipmartin
I got this time table after I went to G tower in 1960.
This is to fill in what is crossed out on page 4.
Pequest, 112 cars
Andover 1, 70 cars
Sparta 1, 68 cars, 103 penciled in.
Vernon, DX, RN
Chester, DX, K
Maybrook, D, BK
Thanks to Mike Roque for enabling me to post this PDF scan.
Philip Martin
This is to fill in what is crossed out on page 4.
Pequest, 112 cars
Andover 1, 70 cars
Sparta 1, 68 cars, 103 penciled in.
Vernon, DX, RN
Chester, DX, K
Maybrook, D, BK
Thanks to Mike Roque for enabling me to post this PDF scan.
Philip Martin