by 3rdrail
Originally, the railroads were concerned with the streetcars overhead, such as if the pole became disconnected, stalling the car momentarily. Ohio Brass and others went to great lengths to get around this problem, usually by means of running an energized metal cage shaped like a half-circle around the overhead, so if the pole became disengaged, it would continue to be energized in the cage. Historically, railroads have been against all crossings, and in some instances, gang fights have broken out between rival electric and steam railway workers where a crossing was being put in place.
~Paul Joyce~
Moderator: Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam
Paul Joyce passed away in August, 2013. We honor his memory and his devotion at
Moderator: Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam
Paul Joyce passed away in August, 2013. We honor his memory and his devotion at