• January 15, 1953 NYC 7621 switching

  • Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.
Discussion relating to the NYC and subsidiaries, up to 1968. Visit the NYCS Historical Society for more information.

Moderator: Otto Vondrak

  by Roger Hensley
NYC 7621 switching in North Anderson on the Big 4 at the Box Factory.
Lew sez... This is the city job, went on duty 7:30 am. It started at the wire factory and progressed all of the way to the box factory, stopping at all industries on the way. This included setting off to the CI in the B-line passing track west of the depot where the Michigan Division turned to go north. Yes I worked it quite often as a fireman. No I never was an engineer on this job until diesels. It was an easy job for the fireman because it was just shifting cars, no kicking. Had about 35-40 cars out of the yard.
Maurice Lewman
