Discussion relating to the past and present operations of CPR. Official web site can be found here: CPKCR.com. Includes Kansas City Southern. There is also a KCS sub-forum for prior operations: kansas-city-southern-and-affiliates-f153.html

Moderators: Komachi, Ken V

  by NHV 669
120 back through Greenville Jct. at 15:56, 8548 is the lead unit.
  by NHV 669
120 was into Greenville Jct. at 15:31 with 8143/9839, 15 wells/33 containers, 79 mixed freight (two loaded autoracks), 39 wells/54 containers. Believe this is the first train through since the washouts the other day.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 23:30 last night with 9780/CMQ 3817/9702/8548, 50 mixed freight. No intermodal traffic.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 09:42 with 8143, 16 mixed freight, 43 wells/97 containers, 9839 (DPU), 48 wells/77 containers, 1 empty well, 8 empty autoracks.

[Edited at 16:22]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 15:34 with 9720/2209, 4 mixed freight, 53 wells/123 containers, 9808 (DPU), 6 wells/6 containers, 103 empty wells.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 12:32 with KCS 4624/9808/KCSM 4550, 87 mixed freight, 9720 (DPU), 43 mixed freight (12 empty autoracks).

[Edited at 16:03]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 15:54 with 8778/KCS 4504, 84 mixed freight (24 loaded autoracks).

No IM on either train today.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 09:50 with KCS 4504, 75 wells/105 containers, 5 empty wells, 8778 (DPU), 51 wells/104 containers, 13 mixed freight (6 autoracks).

[Edited at 17:32]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 13:36 with 9820/KCSM 4555, 42 mixed freight (8 loaded autoracks), 22 wells/45 containers.
  by NHV 669
120 was into Greenville Jct. at 09:47 with 8727/KCSM 4533, 52 mixed freight (two loaded autoracks), one well/one container, KCS 4624 (DPU), 47 wells/86 containers.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 08:44 with 9820/KCSM 4555/KCSM 4533, 61 mixed freight, 19 wells/39 containers, 8727 (DPU), 83 wells/144 containers.

[Edited at 17:42]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 14:51 with 8778/9633?/KCSM 4504, 17 wells/23 containers, 3 empty wells, 40 mixed freight (4 loaded autoracks), 72 wells/98 containers.
  by KuBand12

This speaks for itself.

You might include at least the US east coast on this as well.

I don't have any numbers yet but I trust the source on this.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 09:28 with 8778/9633, 47 mixed freight, 30 wells/64 containers, KCSM 4504 (DPU), 74 wells/145 containers.

[Edited at 14:09]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 13:21 with 9362/KCS 4866, 32 mixed freight, 11 wells/17 containers, 2 empty wells.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 08:56 with 9362/KCS 4866, 33 mixed freight, 31 wells/51 containers, KCS 4624 (DPU), 57 wells/112 containers, 7 empty autoracks.cats.

[Edited at 20:49]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 13:30 with 9820/8062/7036, 17 wells/23 containers, 13 empty wells, 33 mixed freight (8 loaded autoracks), 55 GREX slot cars.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 08:59 with 9820/8062, 48 mixed freight, 33 wells/60 containers.

[Edited at 10:25, 12/31]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 12:58 with 8927/8606, 72 wells/123 containers, 6 empty wells, 33 mixed freight.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 09:32 with 8606/2261, 12 mixed freight, 60 wells/115 containers, 8927 (DPU), 52 wells/111 containers, 10 empty autoracks.
  by NHV 669
120 was into Greenville Jct. at 01:30 with 8739/2 KCS units/2240, 73 wells/99 containers, 16 empty wells, 53 mixed freight.
  by NHV 669
121 was into Greenville Jct. at 07:34 with 8739/KCS 5021, 12 mixed freight, 76 wells/151 containers.

[Edited at 14:42]

120 was into Greenville Jct. at 14:12 with 8916/9713, 74 wells/153 containers, 3 empty wells, 49 mixed freight (16 loaded autoracks), 9829 (DPU), 3 wells/4 containers, 83 empty wells.
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