by chuchubob
Acela150 wrote:Frankentrain has returned. Unknown how long she'll last this time.Frankentrain was at Penn Coach Yard mid day on Jan 20.
Railroad Forums
Moderator: AlexC
Acela150 wrote:Frankentrain has returned. Unknown how long she'll last this time.Frankentrain was at Penn Coach Yard mid day on Jan 20.
scotty269 wrote:It died at Suburban Station on friday morning.With a Sprinter? That's not good.
mcgrath618 wrote:Just saw a sprinter on the Manayunk/Norristown line with a couple of cars. Couldn’t catch the number as I was on the other bank of the river, but if anyone knows anything about why it’s there off peak I would be happy to hearMost likely testing or training runs.
mcgrath618 wrote:Unless my eyes should deceive me, as my Trenton train passed over the SEPTA main, I saw a push pull consist from either Lansdale or West Trenton with double header ACS-64sYou very well may have. There are still several Sprinters going through acceptance testing.