by AllenPHazen
Typically, New York Central Hudsons have, just in front of the main smokestack, a smaller, auxiliary, stack: it's for exhaust steam from the booster engine. (The aerodynamics of the inside of a steam locomotive smokebox are complicated, and -- certainly at the time the Hudson's were built -- poorly understood. You want the upward air current entailed by the steam from the best pipe to be strong enough to keep a good fire going, but not so powerful as to lift coal and blow it out the stack. I assume that having a separate pathway for steam from the booster engine simplified the problem.)
The prototype, 5200, did not have this auxiliary stack, and neither, apparently, did the first production batch (the J1b class). Later Hudsons, including at least the Lima-build J2, did have it. The New York Central locomotive diagrams reproduced in Alvin Stauffer's "Thoroughbreds" include a single diagram labeled as applying to J1c, J1d and J1e: it shows the extra stack.
QUESTION 1: was this design feature in fact introduced with the beginning of the J1c production run?
Fairly late photos of 5200 and J1b engines (in Stauffer) show them without the auxiliary stack, but
QUESTION 2: were any of the Hudsons initially built without this stack retrofitted with it on later rebuilding?
(I plan to crosspost this to the "Steam Locomotives" board.)
The prototype, 5200, did not have this auxiliary stack, and neither, apparently, did the first production batch (the J1b class). Later Hudsons, including at least the Lima-build J2, did have it. The New York Central locomotive diagrams reproduced in Alvin Stauffer's "Thoroughbreds" include a single diagram labeled as applying to J1c, J1d and J1e: it shows the extra stack.
QUESTION 1: was this design feature in fact introduced with the beginning of the J1c production run?
Fairly late photos of 5200 and J1b engines (in Stauffer) show them without the auxiliary stack, but
QUESTION 2: were any of the Hudsons initially built without this stack retrofitted with it on later rebuilding?
(I plan to crosspost this to the "Steam Locomotives" board.)