0550-0800/09-25-2024 was busy, especially with hash, the individual events going unnoted.
At 0618, the 333 WLs were dark, and 5 later, EDSA reached out to the B&E who said he'd get right back to them and to stand by. When things continued, EDSA said they'd gotten a Clear for 335 but a *broken* on the PTC. The B&E also broke in response, clearing up to say that if it happened again to give him a call. The 334s had been dark, but a fair-size Fitchburg DPW crew was on 5th Mass. Turnpike W of the gate.
The 335 ELs were at Stop, and an electrical contractor's truck was in the lot, along with a Bobcat --mini-excavator or other? wheeled or tracked? -- further W. 2 other pickups would pull in and there was a new blanked meter socket with conduit on the pole at the W side of the lot entrance. Whether this was related to the Keolis assembly of 08-19, dunno.
EDSA with NSs 6971, 4266, and 4551 --à la elephant --- pulled through slowly enough for occasional brake-shoe squeal with 12 slurries, 30 mixed freight, 72 positions of trash, and 51 racks, all E of the 335 ELs at 0641. There had been a broken 0639 EDSA transmission, probably calling out a signal. More EDSA will follow.
Up Da Hill, the 345s were at Stop. The yard was MT, no equipment was visible, and the ties were sameolesameole.
EB at 0704, the 333 Controlled Siding EL was at Medium Clear. Over by where the steam plant had been, standing racks and trashes were stopped on the 1 on the W and Cleghorn River Street UGBs.
Post refueling stop, there was am EDSA confab going on. suggesting there had been another penalty, EDSA wondering if this was typical. There was more, but road traffic was my 1st priority. Never saw where the power was, but it was W of the 330 WLs, not readable cuzza the backlight.
At the platform, the 330 ELs were at Stop, and the GL WLs blocked from view. The FG WLs -- temporarily -- were at Stop, and over at EFitch, there was no FI-1/2 power visible or audible. The T coaches were still on West Side, and East Side had a mix of shorties and trashes plus a solo rack, another solo rack by the transload.
The 406 called a Slow Approach for GL, changing it next to a Medium Clear. The B&E then gave out time-effective 0728 G307 to TC 1867 at 334, a Line 4 for 2 and the Controlled Siding between the 334 EL and 335. Related to the earlier activity at the 335 lot? Dunno. The B&E added he'd like it back about noon.
While I was waiting at the Main Street/ Rte. 13 light, 406 OKd themselves outta Nleo. Didn't get to see the rest of the consist, but the 1115 was going the pushing.
Things were busy at the RVJ lot so no good count of covered hoippers on the stub, but 403 was coming to a stop at the platform.
In a change from my last trips, there were no Service Alerts for the Fitchburg Line.
"A gray crossover is definitely not company transportation."