by Arlington
number7 wrote: I dont' understand how the car would have gotten all the way over to between those two streets.The 1893 Topo Map shows no streets at all in the location of today's Arundel St ( ... g&state=MA), but if you were landing about at the "e" in "Frye Village" that would be a plausible final impact (at the bottom of the "draw" around a Shawsheen River tributary) and roughly corresponds to a spot between todays Arundel and Argyle.
Were there no houses on Arundel St? If there were I would think the car would have hit one.
Also, the train was either running wrong iron or back then the line was single tracked.
Burnham Rd is the best reference between the "then" (in the Topo map) and now (in Bing for example)
"Trying to solve congestion by making roadways wider is like trying to solve obesity by buying bigger pants."--Charles Marohn