• Framingham / Worcester Destressing Project

  • Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.
Discussion relating to commuter rail, light rail, and subway operations of the MBTA.

Moderators: sery2831, CRail

  by ezcheez
The MBTA is taking the following actions in response to losing CP-4 as part of the Boston Landing Station Project in the following order:

1) Modifying CP-3 to allow for upgraded signals. New signals, re-cabling entire plant, and a new SIH. Existing SIH will become glorified JB.
2) Replace Track 1 through Beacon Park Yard
3) Replace 6 signal with a universal interlocking (CP-6) to replace CP-4 which is going away.
  by johnpbarlow
ezcheez wrote:The MBTA is taking the following actions in response to losing CP-4 as part of the Boston Landing Station Project in the following order:

1) Modifying CP-3 to allow for upgraded signals. New signals, re-cabling entire plant, and a new SIH. Existing SIH will become glorified JB.
2) Replace Track 1 through Beacon Park Yard
3) Replace 6 signal with a universal interlocking (CP-6) to replace CP-4 which is going away.
Two questions:
1. What do "SIH" and "JB" mean?
2. How will Grand Jct line be accessed from the mainline? Where CP-4 is?

  by ezcheez

Two questions:
1. What do "SIH" and "JB" mean?
2. How will Grand Jct line be accessed from the mainline? Where CP-4 is?

SIH is Signal Instrumentation House
JB is junction box

Yes, Grand Jct will be accessed through electric lock where CP-4 is.
  by GP40MC1118
The Grand Jct will still be accessed at CP-3 regardless of restoration of an electric unlock
in the vicinity of old CP4. Matter-of-fact, I would bet that most moves from the west
like CSX would prefer to back in at CP3 rather than waiting 8 minutes or so for the
unlock to release, pull and and restore the switch.

Too bad they will get rid of CP4. If the layover yard goes in at Beacon Park, even a partial
interlocking (a power switch instead of an electric unlock/handthrow)) would be preferable.

  by dbperry
Governor Baker will be at the Ashland train station at 1:15 PM today Thursday 4/28/2016 to 'inspect' the tie replacement / rail destressing project. Expect some press coverage. I do have a real job, otherwise if it was later I'd try and sneak away to go and watch the spectacle.
  by johnpbarlow
dbperry wrote:Governor Baker will be at the Ashland train station at 1:15 PM today Thursday 4/28/2016 to 'inspect' the tie replacement / rail destressing project. Expect some press coverage. I do have a real job, otherwise if it was later I'd try and sneak away to go and watch the spectacle.
We've got photos! Wonder if the Guvna is a fan?

http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/apps/ ... PH&taxoid=
  by Komarovsky
Isn't the track that they're doing the tie replacement on the already distressed track?
  by dbperry
Komarovsky wrote:Isn't the track that they're doing the tie replacement on the already distressed track?
Aha! Someone's been paying attention. That's the dirty little secret that they're trying to confuse us with. The tie replacement project has nothing to do with removing heat restrictions.

Not only was track 1 destressed in the area of Ashland station, the actual rail WAS REPLACED from Framingham to Worcester on track 1 (it was installed at the correct rail neutral temperature to achieve proper 'destressing' when it was installed over the past 2 years).

The entirety of this year's construction on the F-W does include additional destressing to complete all the destressing of both tracks from Boston to Worcester. So it is correct that the recently allocated funding and current construction season will eliminate heat restrictions. It's just that it really has nothing to do with the tie replacement portion of the overall project or overall construction activities.

Full details:
http://dbperry.weebly.com/blog/spring-2 ... ion-update" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I don't know how or why they decided to do tie replacement, nor do I know why they didn't do tie replacement when they installed the new rail. Might just be easier to do them as separate projects. I'm guessing it's easier to do separate projects, since the mechanized equipment used for each task (rail replacement vs. tie replacement) appears to be suited for only doing one task at a time. And maybe they discovered the bad tie conditions during the rail replacement project. CSX did a tie replacement project back in May, 2007, and I know it was tracks 1 & 2 from Boston through Framingham, but I'm not sure if they did anything west of Framingham. Only way I know when it was is because I was smart enough to put the date on my youtube video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkCBpFa3bjM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  by Komarovsky
Maybe, just maybe it's part of the long promised class 4 upgrade between Worcester and Framingham? I can dream......
  by BandA
Does rail remain destressed when ties are replaced, or does it have to be redone?
  by F-line to Dudley via Park
BandA wrote:Does rail remain destressed when ties are replaced, or does it have to be redone?
The tie changer is a pretty non-invasive machine, so no...they wouldn't need to redo the rail. Here's video of one in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=650XSVhzFmI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.

Note from the vid that it's only changing 1 out of every X ties, and not consecutive ties. Cycled tie replacements usually go by a % of ties rather than replacing all of them on a length of track, because maintaining the FRA track class means staying under a certain number of bad ties per set length (usually several dozen feet) of track. It's rarely a wholesale replacement outside of special circumstances.
  by dbperry
As first reported on my blog, Keolis and the MBTA are now confirming that the tie replacement and rail destressing project will be complete this month:

http://www.keoliscs.com/news/an-update- ... -services/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  by boatsmate
While traveling on the Pike in bound to Boston, I noticed that they are replacing ties on Both tracks from CP $ to CP21. did not think they where replacing ties on Both track.
also there is a lot of cleanup to be done from CP 4-at least rte 128 Lots of ties and Old Rail laying along the side of the right away.
  by dbperry
With the destressing project almost complete (http://framwormbta.weebly.com/blog/summ ... ion-update" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;), should this thread get closed / locked to steer discussion towards other Fram / Wor threads?
While traveling on the Pike in bound to Boston, I noticed that they are replacing ties on Both tracks from CP 4 to CP21. did not think they where replacing ties on Both track.
also there is a lot of cleanup to be done from CP 4-at least rte 128 Lots of ties and Old Rail laying along the side of the right away.
I'll have to take another look, but I wasn't aware of any tie replacement on track 2 yet. Track 1 is done from CP 4 to Worcester (except for Framingham Station). Track 2 tie replacement starts in the fall.

Old scrap tie collection ongoing in middle of day and will be complete by end of August.