• Former WN&P line in Rochester, N.H.

  • Discussion relating to the pre-1983 B&M and MEC railroads. For current operations, please see the Pan Am Railways Forum.
Discussion relating to the pre-1983 B&M and MEC railroads. For current operations, please see the Pan Am Railways Forum.

Moderator: MEC407

  by ihdavis1
Does anyone know when the covered bridge (beyond where the old gas house used to be) used on the line to cross the Cocheco River in Rochester, not far from where it left the Gonic branch was removed? Also, I've heard that originally the WN&P had its own line that ran parrallel to the Gonic branch (ex-Dover and Winnipesaukee) but when the WN&P stopped going beyond "West Gonic" they removed this second track and simply put a switch in. I was just wondering if anyone can confirm this as true?
  by number7
Yes, the WN&P ran parallel to the Cocheco, if you walk down the Cocheco and look carefully, you can see the WN&P right of way. I parked near Brocks and walked in from there.

There was a collision between two trains, one of them on the covered bridge, that damaged the bridge. I can't remember the year, circa 1900 +- 10 years.
  by musehobo2
The abutments are still ther, or were about 3 years ago when I took pictures. It had to be a long bridge over land before crossing the river (heading into Rochester). The state of NH planted a lot of trees there just prior to the upgrading of the Spaulding turnpike. The new exit ramp took out the last railroad tie that was still in place.
  by ihdavis1
I remember reading about that crash in an old history book of Rochester. Although the bridge was damaged (it looked pretty beaten up not counting the damage to it from the crash) at the time of the crash, I believe it lasted until the1950's (or a replacement did) because Lindsell's Rail Line's of Northern New England mentions that West Gonic (station was on the corner of Rt. 125 and Oak Street) was serviced until around 1952-3, about the time when the Spaulding was built.