• DL&W, Erie and Erie Lackawanna

  • Discussion relating to the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the Erie, and the resulting 1960 merger creating the Erie Lackawanna. Visit the Erie Lackawanna Historical Society at http://www.erielackhs.org/.
Discussion relating to the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the Erie, and the resulting 1960 merger creating the Erie Lackawanna. Visit the Erie Lackawanna Historical Society at http://www.erielackhs.org/.

Moderator: blockline4180

Forum Statistics Last post
2024 Presidential Election
by John_Perkowski  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
1 Replies 
 by Jeff Smith
README: Forum Rules / Legal / Terms of Service
by Jeff Smith  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by Jeff Smith
Railroad.net Announces Ad-Free Subscriptions
by gprimr1  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by gprimr1
Erie Lackawanna Historical Society/ELDCPS Information
by Otto Vondrak  - 
0 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
Forum Statistics Last post
Track # question.
by Kaback9  - 
2 Replies 
 by Kaback9
dl&w double track
by john56  - 
1 Replies 
 by Cactus Jack
Erie Railroad Marion Ohio Diesel Shop
by mxdata  - 
2 Replies 
 by mxdata
Annual Reports
by ut-1  - 
1 Replies 
 by njmidland
History of milk car 6603
by Otto Vondrak  - 
5 Replies 
 by charlie6017
ELDCPS new web site
by Otto Vondrak  - 
3 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
DL&W and Dansville & Mt. Morris RR wye at Groveland
by jonathanhuyck  - 
6 Replies 
 by jonathanhuyck
Interesting website with EL history
0 Replies 
SD45s on the Morristown Line?
by sullivan1985  - 
7 Replies 
 by Tri-State Tom
Coleman lantern in Erie Lackwanna yellow?
by tgmarsh  - 
2 Replies 
 by tgmarsh
Erie Lackawanna at Croxton Yard
by mkroven88  - 
0 Replies 
 by mkroven88
Northeastern Fallen Flags RPM Meet - Oct 11 2008
by Otto Vondrak  - 
0 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
Bob Malinoski, former Erie, EL, CR employee
by Otto Vondrak  - 
4 Replies 
 by ajt
I Can't Believe It's Not Erie Lackawanna
by erielackawanna  - 
7 Replies 
 by dansapo
Recreating vintage station signs?
by WQ59B  - 
5 Replies 
 by WQ59B
Northeastern Fallen Flags RPM Meet
2 Replies 
Wither Buffalo....and the DL&W
by Tri-State Tom  - 
0 Replies 
 by Tri-State Tom
Components of the Erie Railroad
by tomjohn  - 
11 Replies 
 by scottychaos
An intro, and a question
by DA Tower  - 
0 Replies 
 by DA Tower
NEW BOOK: Sussex Branch Tales
by NJ Vike  - 
3 Replies 
 by Bobby S
Passenger Rail Survey- DL&W/NYSW Utica Branch
by JoeCollege  - 
2 Replies 
 by JoeCollege
Help EL Dining Car Pres. Society win $2.5 million
by njmidland  - 
0 Replies 
 by njmidland
Richfield Branch questions
by N_DL640A  - 
6 Replies 
 by Cactus Jack
Erie Caboose C-348
by Otto Vondrak  - 
2 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
M&E division grade elimination
by R36 Combine Coach  - 
1 Replies 
 by henry6
Searching for anyone who knew John Lane?
by techman65  - 
1 Replies 
 by henry6
Single-car MU operations?
by livesteamer  - 
4 Replies 
 by henry6
Sussex Branch Traffic?
by JJMDiMunno  - 
15 Replies 
 by henry6
DL&W MU operations
by pdman  - 
2 Replies 
 by pdman
Erie/EL in Rochester, NY
by Otto Vondrak  - 
4 Replies 
 by johnpbarlow
Harlem Transfer - photos needed
by BEDT 14  - 
1 Replies 
 by henry6
Utica Schuyler Street Tower DL&W
by Cactus Jack  - 
6 Replies 
 by henry6
DLW and Erie Depot photos in NY State
by jrs363  - 
0 Replies 
 by jrs363
Erie PA-2s
by oibu  - 
0 Replies 
 by oibu
Tracks behind Abington Shopping Center in Clarks Summit?
by arcanehero  - 
7 Replies 
 by henry6
Trip times on the Phoebe Snow
by NJTRailfan  - 
7 Replies 
 by johnpbarlow
Wyoming Division, etc.
by oibu  - 
3 Replies 
 by mikeexplorer
ELDCPS presents "Lackawanna" pattern China
by isaksenj  - 
0 Replies 
 by isaksenj
Modeling a "what-if" Erie Lackawanna
by FFWally  - 
6 Replies 
 by FFWally
Great Scranton map in April 2008 Trains
by Otto Vondrak  - 
0 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
Erie Branch South of Susquehanna, PA
by thebigham  - 
6 Replies 
 by pumpers
Commuting in 1962-66
by ricebrianrice  - 
3 Replies 
 by M&Eman
Photos Needed: DL&W RS-3 #903
by nydepot  - 
2 Replies 
 by nydepot
Nyack Branch passenger connection
by russp  - 
9 Replies 
 by pumpers
Question about DL&W connection in Utica
by JoeCollege  - 
9 Replies 
 by henry6
WELCOME Erie Lackawanna Historical Society members!
by Otto Vondrak  - 
0 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
ELDCPS Diner 741 returns to EL livery
by isaksenj  - 
8 Replies 
 by Work Extra
Marion an "EMD" shop?
by RAS  - 
7 Replies 
 by mxdata
NJ and Old Rail Rights of Way
by HSSRAIL  - 
7 Replies 
DL&W Observation Cars
by LIengineerBob  - 
12 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
Middletown, NY track schematics
by irishdawg52  - 
0 Replies 
 by irishdawg52
Famous three-way meet at Starrucca photo - 1976
by cwhowell2  - 
6 Replies 
 by cjvrr
EL EMD 567B power
by Cactus Jack  - 
4 Replies 
 by mxdata
DL&W Hunlock Creek, PA Station for Sale
by TheBaran  - 
2 Replies 
 by TheBaran
Help EL Dining Car Pres. Society win $5 million by July 15!
by njmidland  - 
3 Replies 
 by njmidland
Erie Western
by Tadman  - 
15 Replies 
 by Hoosier Joe
DLW Hampton to Washington
by tantg  - 
11 Replies 
 by Railjourner
Last Day - Scranton Division Movements
by Cactus Jack  - 
0 Replies 
 by Cactus Jack
EL SDP45 #3665 Destroyed in Mecca, CA UP Crash
by kpiersol  - 
2 Replies 
 by sd80mac
DL&W Kingsland Shops
by Cactus Jack  - 
2 Replies 
 by baldwr
Book: Lackawanna Facilities-Vol #1 question
by Railroaded  - 
1 Replies 
 by scottychaos
Lackawanna Rolling Stock
by Lackawanna565  - 
10 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
RS-3 / RS-3m Confusion
by Cactus Jack  - 
3 Replies 
 by lvrr325
Grades on Tier
by rrfoose  - 
10 Replies 
 by johnpbarlow
Photographing the Starrucca Viaduct
by grumpyoldman  - 
1 Replies 
 by tellu_whut
EL mow trucks
by dansapo  - 
3 Replies 
 by dansapo
Joint E-L/CNJ Piggyback Service?
by gwensdad  - 
8 Replies 
 by BlockLine_4111
New Erie Lackawanna organization
by ptup  - 
33 Replies 
 by mxdata
Need your comments on my V Scale building Erie Terminal
by HSSRAIL  - 
10 Replies 
 by Milepost 12
Post merger abandonments
by stilson4283  - 
1 Replies 
 by jr
NKP City of Lima Moving Madison, IL to Scranton, PA via NS
by RiverMP21  - 
3 Replies 
 by grumpyoldman
DL&W Streamstyled Pacific 1123.
by scottychaos  - 
0 Replies 
 by scottychaos
ELDCPS - Scranton Excursions Planned for November 10-11
by RiverMP21  - 
0 Replies 
 by RiverMP21
Bear on the Sussex Branch
by RichNYSME  - 
3 Replies 
 by msernak
by NJTRailfan  - 
7 Replies 
 by calorosome
Bloomfield Station - Montclair Branch
by Tri-State Tom  - 
23 Replies 
 by JimBoylan
DL&W Kingston, PA roundhouse status?
by metman499  - 
1 Replies 
 by TheBaran
Mother Hubbards (Camelbacks)
by erie2521  - 
1 Replies 
 by ricebrianrice
EL Survivability What-If?
by rrfoose  - 
3 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
GREAT article - Port Morris - Aug RMC
by henry6  - 
0 Replies 
 by henry6
Later Days EL Operating Culture
by Cactus Jack  - 
4 Replies 
 by SooLineRob
Hoboken Terminal - 100 years old !
by Tri-State Tom  - 
2 Replies 
by shlustig  - 
3 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
American Express might give $5 million for EL dining cars!
by njmidland  - 
1 Replies 
 by njmidland
Hmm....those MU toilets !
by Tri-State Tom  - 
23 Replies 
 by Tadman
A visit to Hoosier Valley RR Museum..
by PRRGuy  - 
3 Replies 
 by Tri-State Tom
Boston & Maine RR "Erie Mikes"
by eriemike  - 
2 Replies 
 by eriemike
ELHS Archives at Akron
by Otto Vondrak  - 
1 Replies 
 by PCook
Scranton Lackawanna Station sold
by trainwayne1  - 
30 Replies 
 by james1787
EL/DLW colors in RGB mode
by washingtonsecondary  - 
7 Replies 
 by washingtonsecondary
August 31, 1959
by Cactus Jack  - 
2 Replies 
 by calorosome
E-8 EMD Demonstrator in DL&W Colors
by geep39  - 
4 Replies 
 by henry6
Algoma Central RR paint scheme
by Tri-State Tom  - 
7 Replies 
 by oibu
EL Online Track Maps?
by Luther Brefo  - 
5 Replies 
 by pablo
Anyone care to write an article about EL?
by Otto Vondrak  - 
9 Replies 
 by Otto Vondrak
Essex Fells, NJ
by David Hutchinson  - 
1 Replies 
 by snavely
by scooter3798  - 
30 Replies 
 by ExEMDLOCOTester
Questions on Alco S1 # 315
by Luther Brefo  - 
2 Replies 
 by Luther Brefo
Lost and Found
by Milesius  - 
9 Replies 
 by Milesius
ERIE # 3305 In Cortland OHIO.
by Dieter  - 
0 Replies 
 by Dieter
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